Chapter 6

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"Out with your boyfriend instead of being home for dinner with us?" Tae question mark with a small smirk when I get inside. I roll my eyes at him, forcing a smile onto my lips as I recall they're supposed to think it's real.

"Sorry, but Yoongi would've been pouty for the next week if I didn't. Okay?" I say with a forced chuckle before heading upstairs.

Going to my bedroom, I drop my school supplies off before grabbing some comfortable clothes and going for a shower. It's been a long day, and I've been stuck by Yoongi's side all damn day.

Dinner was annoying too. I would've much rather been home with my brothers for dinner than been out with Yoongi. We were silent nearly the entire time. He tried talking to me a couple of times, but I swear he was saying the dumbest shit.

How can someone intimidating and getting into fights all the time, someone who supposedly writes his own damn songs can be that damn dumb? I don't understand the logic behind that.

Asking how my day was. Asking how classes were. Asking how my food was. Asking if the music he'd been playing in the car was okay or if I wanted him to change the station he was playing.

I shake my head to myself as I climb in the shower, feeling the warm water easing my tense muscles.

God, and don't get me started on him insisting with the dates and the fucking hand holding.

I don't want to talk you, Yoongi. I don't want to touch you. I don't want to be near you. I don't want to be pretending to date you.

I don't want to be with someone who fucking scares everyone. I don't want to be with someone who's constantly getting into pointless fights. I don't want someone who hangs with the group but never fucking talks. I don't want to date a fucking emotionless dickhead who doesn't really know what kindness is.

I never should've agreed to this stupid fucking dare.

When I finally get out of shower, I dry off and get dressed once more before heading back to my bedroom. Though, the moment I'm returning to my room, my phone is buzzing. I groan at this, hoping it's not Yoongi again. I really don't know that I can keep doing this and it's only been one day.

I'm surprised though, to find it being Hoseok who's calling. I then quickly recall that he needed updated though, and I no longer have an interest in talking with the younger as I answer the call, bringing the device to my ear.

"I'm assuming this is for updates?" I question with a sigh as I sit down on my bed.

"I- yeah. Why the hell do you sound like you just got dumped or some shit?" Hoseok asks, surely frowning.

"I mean it's not like this is the best dare ever, Hobi. It's truthfully just annoying and a waste of my time. Yoongi picked me up and took me to campus early so that we could get breakfast, and then we went on a dinner date. Good enough?" I mutter distastefully.

"Kim Seokjin, don't be such an asshole, damn. You were one to speak about not wanting to do this because you thought Yoongi was the asshole. How did he treat you? Was it that bad?" Hoseok scoffs. I roll my eyes at this, not particularly amused by any of this.

"He was just annoying. Tried to come up with stupid small talk at dinner that was just pointless and dumb. And he was so fucking insistent on holding my hand. It was just fucking weird." I answer bitterly.

"Hyung, you do know holding hands is something all couples do, right? And it doesn't sound like he treated you that badly. It just kind of sounds like he was trying to make an effort, and you weren't." Hoseok tells me, not sounding overly happy with me.

"Look. You wanted this to happen. I'm doing the bare minimum of what's necessary to get through this. Okay? It's not like I want to be with him. I don't want to be with an emotionless asshole who doesn't care about others and gets into pointless fights. I don't like wasting my time. And that's exactly what I'm doing right now." I remind him, letting myself flop back onto my bed.

"I get that you don't want to date him right now, Jin. But you're going to make the both of you absolutely miserable if you treat him like some monster. Just be fucking civil with him. Maybe you'll find out he's not nearly as bad as you think he is. I'm not letting you call off the dare right now after only one day and being so shitty. Put some effort in tomorrow and see what the hell happens, okay?"

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