Chapter 8

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When Yoongi finally shows up to the groups regular morning meeting spot, my eyes widen at the sight. He's sporting a swelling black eye, a bad bruised and scratched up jaw, and the skin is broken at the corner of his mouth.

"Yoongi, I thought we agreed you'd quit fighting?" I question, pretending we'd had some sort of conversation to make it sound like we're actually together since it's what any boyfriend would say. He chuckles with a small smile as he reaches us, wrapping an arm around my waist.

"Sorry, baby. I just needed to sort things out with someone. It won't happen again, I promise." Yoongi says lightly. Though, something seems just slightly off with him. I don't bother questioning it though, deciding to just shake it off.

"Hyung, are you okay?" Hoseok asks with a worried frown. I look over at him in confusion, wondering why the hell he would ask that.

"I'm perfectly fine, Hobi. You don't need to worry about me anymore than Jin does." Yoongi says, still sounding light with a small smile. Hoseok eyes the two of us with skepticism in his eyes, not seeming too convinced.

"If you say so." Hoseok murmurs quietly, deciding to let it go.

"Let's just get going, shall we? None of us need to be late to class and it's not like this is the first time we've seen him like this either." Namjoon speaks up with a smile of his own, glancing around at all of us. Everyone nods, Hobi shrugging at this before we're all heading off.

However, as we begin walking, Hoseok pulls Yoongi away from me a bit, keeping the two of them at the very back of the group. I frown at this, looking back at them in confusion and curiosity.

"I'll be right there, baby." Yoongi says softly with a wink. I refrain from scoffing as I roll my eyes at him, turning myself to face forward once more. Though, I try to hang back just enough to be able to catch their conversation.

"What the hell happened to you? And why weren't you with Jin this morning?" Hoseok asks quietly, to the point where I nearly miss it.

"I told you, Hobi. It's nothing. I just needed to put an asshole in his place. He didn't like it too much and thought he'd try to fight back. As for Jin, he didn't want me to be there. I was gonna pick him up and take him to breakfast, but he prefers being at home with his brothers in the morning and he said he'd rather come here with them instead. I'm not going to force him to do anything more than what we have to for this. I'm not gonna make him uncomfortable." Yoongi answers in return.

I purse my lips at this, surprised that he actually sounds somewhat sincere about it. Though, I've no doubts he'll be back to trying to get me to do shit with him tomorrow morning again. He's fucking annoying that way.

"You're too good for him, Yoongi. And be fucking careful, would you? None of us particularly like seeing you beat up and hurt like this, ya know." Hoseok responds.

"I'm not, and I'll be fine. Like I said, you don't need to worry about me." Yoongi counters, sounding mildly annoyed. I frown even more at this though, surprised and confused.

Did he really just admit that he's not too good for me?

"You say that, and while your facials match it, hyung, your damn eyes look like you just lost someone." Hobi mutters quietly.

"Nothing is wrong, Hoseok. I already told you what happened. Let it go." Yoongi says softly.

Seconds later, there's a hand slipping into mine, and I look to my side to find Yoongi back at my side. He gives me a small smile, one that looks fairly genuine before he's facing forward again. I can't help but watch the way it slowly falls once he looks away though, making me wonder.

"You're sure you're okay, Yoongi?" I ask quietly as we get closer to the others. He looks back over at me, a surprisingly beautiful gummy smile on full display that's directed right at me.

"Couldn't be better, baby." Yoongi answers with a wink. I scoff at this, rolling my eyes at him.

He really does say the dumbest things for someone who's supposed to be a rapper. He's annoying as hell too...

I still don't bother properly holding his hand despite him holding mine, still hating every single bit of this. It was nice this morning, not having to be anywhere near him. Though, it was ruined the moment I was the one getting asked his whereabouts when I met up with the others, knowing that I really couldn't care less where the fuck he was or who the hell he was with.

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