Chapter 20

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The next day rolls around sooner than I'd like for it to, and I reluctantly find myself getting ready for my classes. I can only hope that I don't see him at all today, even if a small piece of me is hoping I could catch a glimpse of him.

I'm silent the entire morning with my brothers, all the way through breakfast and our walk to campus. I don't really say anything when we reach the table where we all usually meet up at either. I give the younger boys a small smile and a wave, even though the last thing I feel like doing is smiling.

Thankfully, Yoongi isn't anywhere to be seen this morning, even if a small piece of my heart drops at the fact. Jungkook and Jimin give me warm comforting smiles as the three of us take our seats, not actually having class for around a half hour yet. However, when I glance in Hoseok's direction, I'm surprised by his reaction. He just sighs, shaking his head at me. I frown at this, not understanding what that's supposed to mean.

"Hobi hyung, are you just gonna ignore Jin?" Tae asks, low pitched voice sounding a bit annoyed by this.

"No, Taehyung. I'm not going to. There's a lot going on that you don't understand, and that your brother isn't willing to accept. I'm a little frustrated with him at the moment, and I have nothing nice to say, which is why I'm not saying anything." Hoseok responds, making me somewhat frustrated.

"And what is there that I'm not willing to accept, Hoseok?" I growl angrily with a small glare.

"Just because Yoongi hyung claimed to love him yesterday after Jin left doesn't mean that it means anything, hyung. If he really loved Jin he wouldn't have cheated on him." Tae speaks up, voice somewhat threatening. However, his words take me by surprise, looking over to my youngest brother.

Yoongi claimed he loves me?

"Taehyung, stay out of it. This isn't your fight to pick." Namjoon scolds softly from the other side of the younger. He merely huffs at this, standing up and storming off.

"What is it that you think I'm not willing to accept, Hoseok?" I question again, growing frustrated from the lack of answer.

"You wanna know so bad what it is that you're not willing to accept, hyung? Let's start with the fact that Yoongi was doing everything in his power to treat you the best he possibly could. Between the two of you, he was the one lacking in money and yet he paid for everything he did with you just to try and change your mind about him. Maybe the fact that you refused to accept the fact that he's not the monster you thought he was and continued to treat him like shit when he never deserved any of it? Does any of that ring a bell, Jin? The fact that he tried to respect as many of your wishes that he possibly could without exposing the dare?

"He never did a damned thing to you, Jin. He never gave you a true reason to believe that he would cheat on you. He never gave you a single reason for you to treat him worse than the dirt under your shoes. He did nothing but treat you like fucking royalty, and wanted nothing more than to fucking make you happy, Jin. Yet you denied and ignored all of it. All of his attempts to treat you right were seen as 'pathetic' and 'annoying'. Does any of that ring a bell?" Hoseok growls darkly, voice sharp and cold as he snaps at me.

"Fuck you, Hoseok. He's nothing more than a selfish asshole who doesn't care for anyone but himself. He doesn't fucking know how to treat anyone even half decently." I scoff with an eye roll, even if I know it's not all completely true.

"Kim Seokjin, you don't know shit." Hoseok thunders from the other end of the table, surprising me.

"Says fucking who?" I challenge coldly, growing angry that he's still fighting me over all of this.

"Says me since I'm the only fucking one here that knows the goddamned truth about everything that's happened, you fucktard. I'm the one who fucking asked for the updates between the two of you. I'm the fucking one that Yoongi admitted his feelings for you to on the very first fucking night. I'm the only fucking one who bothered to give him the benefit of the doubt, because even if he comes off as an asshole, I know he would never dare to cheat on you or anyone else. I'm the only fucking one who went to visit him last night to figure out what the fuck was going on, Jin. So don't you dare speak about him as if you know goddamn shit, because you've refused to accept even the kindest of his gestures a fucking number of times." Hoseok snarls in a harsh tone.

"I don't believe a goddamn bit of that, Hoseok. I was the fucking one that got cheated on. I'm the one that he fucked around with. Not you." I snap bitterly.

"You're fucking insufferable, Jin! I don't fucking know how the hell Yoongi ever fell in love with you! He did everything he could to show you that he's not the fucking monster you always thought he was! All he wanted was to make you fucking happy, Jin! He took you out on dates! He paid when he didn't have a lot of money to be sparing on you! He held your hand! He wanted to pick you up and drive you here to treat you nicely! Hell, he fucking lied about getting into fights so that he wouldn't worry you! He let you go yesterday and let you believe that he cheated on you because he didn't want to make you suffer through the dare any longer! He let you fucking believe he cheated when he was fucking beaten and bruised! He's hidden so much fucking shit from you because he didn't want to worry you or make you suffer anymore! Don't fucking dare to say you know shit about him! Don't fucking dare to say he doesn't know how to love, because you're the only goddamn person that he loves and he's fucking letting you go in hopes that you'll be fucking happier!"

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