On a beautiful summer day, in a very peaceful cafe, Ken is taking his brake from working to catch up with his reading. Lifting up his coffee mug, Ken takes a replenishing sip from it. Only hearing silence and birds chirping outside. So much has happened, so much could've happened, just the thought makes Ken in deep thought. What if he wasn't there drinking his coffee, what if he had been killed? Once he has finished is coffee, he decided instead of continuing to read, he should see Hinami and Touka. Mainly out of instinct, also due to his concerns for them. Ever since those strange ghouls tried kidnapping him, Touka has been...distant... And Hinami...well Hinami has been paranoid. How could she not be? The person she has looked up to as a brother was nearly taken away from her. She probably would've felt the same way about Touka, or anyone else for that matter.
It's real awkward, he doesn't know how to start off with them. Should he be subtle? Obviously he should. He slowly walks up the stairs to see them, but were they even there? Did they go out? Did they want to be left alone? Why did he bother thinking about the situation now? The event was quite a while ago, and yet no one got over it. But that's why he has to do something; he doesn't want to be torn apart from them just because of it. This was his duty to do. It has to be done.
Ken gently knocks the door to Touka's room, speaking on a soft voice. "H-Hello...? Touka, Hinami...? You two there?" Ken waits for a response, until Hinami quickly opened the door. "Kaneki, sorry if you had to wait!" Ken smiles softly, before saying "It's not a problem Hinami, it's alright!" He then pays close attention to what she's wearing. 'Is she going out?' He couldn't help but think to himself. He couldn't help it and asked her. "Are you going out? You're wearing your clothes for going out." Hinami chuckles and responds. "Yeah! I'm going out with Irimi to the pet store to get food for Hetere! Maybe even a few toys." "Oh, is Touka staying here?" The question makes Hinami seem uneasy. Before Ken could apologize, Hinami responds. "She still has things to do here. But it's fine!" They both smile, and Hinami waves. "See you later Kaneki!" Then she's out.
Touka sits on the couch appearing to be uncomfortable and farther away from Hetere. Ken takes a seat on the floor, not wanting to make her feel awkward. Touka sees this, and her reaction is sort of...surprising to Ken. "What the hell are you doing on the floor?" Ken couldn't help but apologize. "I'm sorry, I just-well, you're sitting like 'that' so far from the bird, and I figured that you wanted to be left alone... " She scoffs with a tad bit of annoyance from his naivety. "I'm afraid of birds, remember?" Ken knew exactly how to respond to that. "Well I know that, but didn't you say you wanted to be close to Hetere so that you can get over that fear...?" Touka pauses, then responds. "Well yeah, but he tried to peck at me while he was inside of his cage. It freaked me out, so I need a little time away from him." That made enough sense for Ken to understand. So he then awkwardly got up from the ground to sit on the couch with Touka. Touka forms a small smile on her lips, and whispers silently. "...Idiot..."
Ken and Touka just sit there without saying much of anything. The dust within the room can be seen through the sunlight that shows. Ken knows what he has to say, but decided to start off subtle. "T-Touka...?" She looks at him with mild confusion. "Thank you, and I'm sorry..." Touka raises an eyebrow in even more confusion. "What for...?" Ken knew this had to happen, his punishment in a sense. "Thank you for protecting me from...the occurrence that happened months ago." She knew what he meant by that. "Barely, Aya-, they got the best of me. It was thanks to Yoshimura, Irimi, and Koma for showing up at the right time... If they didn't, you probably wouldn't still be working at this place. I know it's harsh to myself, but it's the truth. I'm not weak, I just...did bad at that moment." Ken wanted to say more, more than what she knew, so he continued. "That's not true. If you hadn't jump in before they arrived, I would've been taken by them right there! I thought you were great. I thought you were brave. I thought you were strong. I thought you were...selfless! Those emotions still remain. Yeah sure, they came on time, but you...you..." Ken couldn't find the right words, but he knew what he was trying say. He just hoped that Touka knew. "A-And...I'm sorry for not saying anything about this...I just didn't know at the time that it was needed. And for causing you guys worry and guilt."
Touka thinks about what she had done. Something Ken didn't blame her at all for. "I'm sorry too...for being distant with you...I just felt...guilty?? I don't know...but I shouldn't have done that. It's not like I meant to though." Ken needed to say something, something irrelevant to the event. What she has done for him before that. "Touka...thank you for putting up with me. I was and am a coward. When we met, I recently found out I was ghoul, as you know. I was in denial about it, but you...you made me face the truth about it. I'm glad it was you that did it." He continues. "And when we took Hinami and her mother in, you were so welcoming and in control. You cared so much for them." He continues once again. "And you taught me so much about how to live as a ghoul, in a very...tough way...but I got used to it. You envy humans, but you don't mind making friends with them." Touka has a shocked look on her face. "And...And..." What Ken was going to do was crazy, but he can't help it anymore. It became apparent to him on what he felt for Touka. Like the feeling he had with Rize, but more earned and safe. He knew a lot about Touka, she was scary, but considerate. She was strict, but somewhat kind. He still has to learn more about her, but she was worth it. This is a bold move, he could even ruin his friendship with her, but this felt right. He moves forward toward her. "...Kaneki...?" He plants a kiss on her forehead, and blushes pink.
He then stands up, and turns away to leave. Trying to get out of there quick. Touka speaks out. "Kaneki...? Kaneki, wait! What's the matter?!" He doesn't look back, most likely due to embarrassment. "Kaneki! Kaneki...! Ken, wait!!" That must've been the first time she said his given name, but he didn't turn back, he just paused for a little. Then he leaves. Touka sits back down, thinking that maybe, maybe...he liked her more than just a friend.
Ken gets ready at a fast pace, going to tell Yoshimura that he was leaving. And after that, Ken has his mind stuck on one thing. He forgot to tell her that he cared about her wellbeing...

Tokyo Ghoul one shots
FanfictionNo this isn't lemon, but it sure is fluffy. I will start off with my personal ships. When the time comes, I will pick any requests that peak my interest. There will be different timelines, different situations, but it really just depends. I might ev...