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Pokémon Au- (In this AU I'm going to say that Magikarp are able to store water somewhere in their body Incase they have to be out of water for long periods of time)
Izuku's POV (9 years old)
I skipped down the path on my way to Professor Aizawa's. Then I heard it.
"Karp Karp Karp!"
I ran through the bush I heard it come from. I looked around for it. Then I saw a man. He was tall and bulky. He laughed.
"Karp Karp!"
I looked closer and saw a yellow Magikarp. Wonder why it's yellow. I bet Kacchan will know! I will have to ask him when I get there! I glance back over at the man and saw him kick the Magikarp.
"Hey!" I yelled.
The man turned towards me annoyed. "Leave him alone!" I yelled running between the Pokémon and the man.
"Tch! You can't do anything!"
"I won't let you hurt him!" I yelled.
"What are you gonna do about it?"
"I-I'll fight you!" I yelled hesitantly.
"You don't even any Pokémon! How can you save it when you can't save yourself?"
Then he nudged me with his foot down on the ground. I turned around and held the Karp close to me. I closed my eyes as I waited for him to leave.
"Damn kid! Your making a powerful enemy!"
I help the Karp tighter as I felt something hitting my back.
"Deku! Where the hell are you? Your late your damn nerd!"
I turned around and faced the guy. I ducked quickly and ran between his legs. I could barely lift the Karp.
"K-Ka-Kacchan!" I yelled stumbling over to where I heard his voice.
"Hey get back here! You damn kid!"
I ran only stumbling on a couple rocks.
"Deku there you are! Where the hell have you been?!" Kacchan yelled.
I tried to run over to him but the guy grabbed me by the back of my shirt. I screamed out.
"Got you you little shit!"
I had tears flowing down my face as I curled up around the Karp.
"Hey old man!" Kacchan yelled.
"Great another brat. Just scram already!" The man hissed.
"Lord Explosion! Use Tackle and the hold man that has Deku!" Kacchan yelled.
Then I was released. I fell on my butt. I looked up at Kacchan. I quickly got up and we both ran to the Poké Center.
"Can't believe you risked your life for a useless Pokémon." Kacchan hissed as we entered.
I quickly placed the Karp in front of Joy as she quickly gets up and cares for it. She tells us to come by later to check on it.
"And worst of all! You needed me to come save you and that Pokémon's sorry ass!" Kacchan growled.
His Cyndaquil was on his shoulder snuggling his neck.
I bowed to him. "I'm so sorry Kacchan!"
We were outside the lab. Kacchan tolled his eyes and crossed his arms as he walked into the lab.
"I found the nerd!" He hollered.
"Midoriya, there's Pokémon on the counter. Pick the one you want and... you know the drill. I'm going back to bed." Aizawa said as he went back to his sleeping bag.
I nodded. I felt Kacchan watch me as I looked at my options. I thought of all the possible outcomes. Then I decided on one. I picked up the Pokéball smiling.
"Course you would pick that one you damn nerd." Kacchan scoffed.
I shrugged it off and released Chikorita. He looked around before jumping on to me. I laughed as he nuzzled my neck.
"Let's be good friends!" I say excitedly.
I had Thorn (my chikorita) walk beside me as Kacchan and I walked back to the Poké center. I walked in and was met with a tank that had the Magikarp in it. Kacchan laughed at it and tapped on the glass.
"Stop it Kacchan! Your scaring him!" I yelled pulling his arm away from the glass.
Kacchan Tsked and stomped away to the other side of the room. I smiled at the Karp Pokémon.
"I'm glad your alright, But I have to go now. Maybe we'll see each other again!" I said smiling at it.
Kacchan and I both walked towards the exit.
Thunk, Thunk, Thunk
I turned around to see the Karp ramming it's head at the tanks walls.
"Hey don't do that! Your going to get hurt!" I said running over to it.
"Tch. It wants to come with you shitty nerd." Kacchan yelled behind me.
I looked to the Pokémon and smiled as it swam in circles.
"Two Dekus in one place. Never thought I'd see that." Kacchan scoffed while walking out.
I smiled at the Karp and got a Pokéball. I gently bop it's head. I felt as it jiggles a bit but almost instantly stopped flashing and stilled as I heard a clicking noise. I smiled at the ball and ran to Kacchan.
"Get away shitty nerd. And keep your Deku Pokémon away as well. You can talk to me when your strong and worthy enough too." He said and then disappears into the forest.
I walk the opposite way. I'll prove to him I'm strong enough to be his friend!
Then when that last thought, I started my journey to be the best Pokémon trainer to ever exist.
<7 years later>
Katsuki's POV
I glared at all the extras. Damn annoying people. I am 17 now. I walked up to a berry shop and looked at the berries. In the end I ended up getting 7 Tamato berries, and 2 Magost berries. I walked away after I payed for them. I walked over to the forest and released my Pokémon. My Team included:
Typhlosion- Lord Explosion
A female Pyroar
I set down the berries and let them grab one of their choosing. As they are I picked up the last Tamato berry and started to eat it. I leaned back on a tree and looked around on the trail. I sighed as I listened to the silence of the forest.
"Man that kid was strong!"
"He was so small! How did you lose that badly!"
"He knew how to fight along with his Pokémon! Not my fault!"
I stood up and glared at the males on the trail. They jumped back surprised.
"You said this guy was strong?" I asked.
"Yeah some fighting types and a Gyarados."
The guys are a Oran berry. The guy talking had bruises and what looked like a busted lip.
"Why the hell are you so injured?" I asked annoyed.
"He got mad and tried to take down the trainer but the guy was just as strong as his Pokémon."
"Which way is he?" I asked.
They both pointed down the trail.
"He was singing to his Pokémon last we saw him."
I turned and quickly called back my Pokémon except for Lord Explosion. Then I turned and ran down the path. I ran down half way still not seeing him. I growled in annoyance. Where could this extra be! I got up from my test and continued down the path. Then I heard a faint voice. *cue music* I followed it. I pushed back some bushes and branches.
'This guy better be as strong as the said he was.'
I growled as I ducked under a branch with a Pichu on it.
'Dunce face would like that'
I shook my head and continued following the voice. Then I was lead to a small clearing. I was frozen. I quickly hid behind some bushes as I watched the male. He was a bit shorter then me. (Gay panic activated) He has a mess of curly green hair, and almost glowing emerald eyes. From what I could see, his pale skin was littered with scars. He had muscle. Over his cheeks, were freckles dusting over them.
'Shit he's hot.'
He softly finished his song petting his Gyarados. It was red? That's rare. I glanced around him. A Lopunny looked like it was sparring with a Lucario. A Gallade stood by a tree watching a Eevee jump around playing with a
Meganium. I brought my attention back to the forest green boy. He smiled and put his head against the Gyarados. I gulped as I felt heat creeping up to incase my cheeks. Then the worst thing happened. I stood there still. I couldn't move. The broccoli boy stared at me. Behind me Typhlosion sneezed and cause an explosion. Then the boy laughed.
"A-Are you okay?" He asked trying to reign in his laughter.
I coughed and stood up. The male looked at me and smiled at me. I felt my face eat up some more.
"Do I know you?" I asked him looking into his eyes.
'He seems so familiar but I can't place my finger on it.'
The man came up to me and hugged me. I stood there awkwardly and confused. I didn't know where to put my hands. I didn't even let shitty hair hug me. He pulled back and giggled at my expression.
"It's been a while Kacchan!" He said smiling.
He rubbed the back of his neck. I blushed more as realization hit me like a bus.
"Deku....?" I asked unsure.
He smiled at me.
"Midoriya-kun? Are you alright? We heard an explosion." A male said coming out of the woods. He had white and red hair with heterochromatic eyes. He was cute.
"I'm fine Todoroki-Kun! Come over here and meet Bakugou!" Deku called.
Todoroki walked towards me. Now that I saw it, he had two Vulpix. One on each arm. On the red side there was the standard Vulpix. But on the left was a white Vulpix that looked like an ice type.
"Hello. My name is Todoroki Shoto. I am Midoriya's freind and travel partner." He said reaching out his hand.
He had a scar covering his eye on the red side. I stared at him for a bit.
"So it's just you and the shitty nerd traveling together alone?" I asked.
'Please say no. Please say no.'
"Yeah Kacchan! Todoroki-kun is very nice!" Deku said beside me.
"Tch. Whatever." I growled.
I grabbed Deku's hand and led him over to his Pokémon. Once he saw, eyes lit up.
"Kacchan Kacchan! Look look!" He said running towards the Gyarados.
It towered over both of us and stared down menacingly. Deku patted its long neck.
"Remember the Magikarp I got? Look at how big and strong he is now!" Izuku said swelling with pride.
The Gyarados nodded and looked like it attempted to smile. I smile lightly as I see Deku running off towards his team of Pokémon.
"Thorn evolved to into a Meganium! Isn't that so cool!" He said happily.
"And Your Cyndaquil! Woah! It evolved too! It's a Typhlosion! That's so cool! It looks super strong!" Deku rambled running towards Lord Explosion.
It smiled at the compliment. Deku rambled about his Pokémon and the Pokémon he has seen in the time we were apart. Then one question hit me hard.
"Are we strong enough to be your friend yet Kacchan?" He asked quietly.
I stared at him surprised. He quickly began to apologize. I watched him quietly. Then I grabbed him and held him close.
"Shitty nerd. That's why you did this? What about for yourself? And why do you have so many scars? What the hell happened to you? I was a dumbass as a kid! I'm sorry." I told him holding him tightly.
There was a moment of silence. I felt a pat on my back and he hugged me back. After a minute I left go of him and he smiled.
"Todoroki-Kun and I are going to be leaving tomorrow morning. I was thinking that if you want to... you don't have to! But maybe if your were lonely... assuming your not with anyone else. Who am I kidding your probably friends with a lot of people who you would rather choose..." He rambled.
I sighed and rolled my eyes. I tilted his head up and pecked him on the lips. I watched as his face turned crimson and smirked. I playfully smacked him across the head.
"Now spit it out." I said quietly.
"W-would you like to travel with us?" He asked quietly looking down at his feet.
I smirked and ruffled his hair.
"Sure, why not nerd."

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