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Angela's fingers wandered aimlessly through the multitude of books laid before her. Her fingertips danced along each edge with precision. It was a favourite pastime of hers to venture into the local library, she was a kindred spirit with a love for literature, that's for sure.

Her mind wandered as she approached the corner of the book stand, failing to notice the silhouette bounding towards her. She and the figure toppled over upon collision, the mysterious person rushed to their feet to say their apology's.

"Oh my goodness, I really should be more careful, here" the soft voice apologised, Angela finally looked up to grab the strangers hand, when she caught a glimpse of the man who stood before her, her breath hitched sharply in her now-dry throat.

"John Paul Jones..." she muttered breathlessly, she couldn't believe she had been lucky enough to get knocked over by the John Paul Jones. She grabbed his hand hesitatingly, he let out a shy smile upon her remark.

"Sorry, I just can't believe it's you! And don't apologise, my mind was in the clouds. I'm Angela" She gave him a warm smile, to which he reciprocated.

"So in here for anything special Angela?" John asked curiously eyeing the collection of mythology and cosmology books in her arms.

"I'm a bit of a horoscope nerd" She admitted shyly.

John looked over at the book that had fallen in his hands and observed it, "Houses of the Horoscope" he read aloud, "Jimmy carries this everywhere" he chuckled to himself and gave the book back with a smile.

"So, what are you doing in here John?" Angela asked  as they walked through the vast library aisles.

"We have a show tonight and I had some time to kill, I love places like this. So different to back home.." He stared at the regal interior of the library.

"It certainly is interesting, and is the show at the Civic Centre by any chance?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, it'll be our first time" He said proudly.

"What a coincidence, a friend of mine gave me a ticket, I wasn't planning on going on my own but I just might now" She grinned at him.

"You should, and if you're worried about being on your own you could always hang out backstage?" John proposed.

The vibe between the two was friendly and comfortable, nothing romantic just the mutual connection.

"That's awfully kind of you John, I couldn't possibly impose though" Her voice trailed off as they exited the library.

"You wouldn't be imposing, i'm sure the guys would be more than happy to entertain you" He reassured.

Angela bit her lip, calculating the outcome, she thought 'Fuck it' and let out a smile.

"I'll be there" She gave a friendly nod, John smiled back.

"I'll have to meet you out the back, tends to get a bit crazy. Say about 9?"

"I can't wait" Angela beamed.

𝟷𝟿𝟽𝟺 ~ 𝙹𝚒𝚖𝚖𝚢 𝙿𝚊𝚐𝚎Where stories live. Discover now