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*smut warning!*

Upon hearing the sweet words fall from Angela's lips, Jimmy was sure as hell riled up. The pair continued in their heavy make out session, whilst taking it in turns to roll each other around the silky sheets. Jimmy began to work his way down, stowing kisses all over Angela's neck. Earning soft moans as he found her sweet spot.

Angela could feel her aching for Jimmy, and as he began his assault on her breasts, she couldn't help but let out deep moans. Angela ran her fingers through the soft raven locks as she watched him swirl his mouth around her taut nipple. Aching more and more as he began to kiss a line down her lower stomach, inching closer and closer to where her desire was imbedded.

Jimmy slid his fingers under the hem of her lace underwear, looking into her eyes for permission. Angela bit her lip slightly but nodded, Jimmy, still in midst of his lust couldn't help but admire her in this state. Her confident facade shattered, bare and vulnerable. He gently cupped her heat, Angela bucked her hips at the sensation, desperately wanting some friction.  Jimmy let out a smirk at her eagerness and began to rub small circles into her clit. Angela began to writhe under Jimmy's touch, the motions causing an already heard Jimmy to feel like he was going to implode.

Jimmy continued to encircle Angela, building speed as he watched her become undone. Just as she was on the cusp, he pulled away. Denying her the satisfaction that she desperately wanted, needed. Angela day up immediate and let out a groan "Jimmy!" she whined. Jimmy chuckled at her impatience, but as he began to remove his own clothing, it seemed she understood and led back against the smooth bed.

Angela watched as Jimmy's slim figure became gradually more exposed. Her eyes widened dramatically as he pulled his boxers to the ground. Jimmy seemed to notice her expression and let out a loud laugh "Surprised?" he raised a playful eyebrow. "To say the least" Angela huffed out, still somehow amazed by his hard member. She reached forward and began to palm his member, painfully slow. Jimmy groaned loudly, and soon he was in a similar state to Angela was only a few minutes prior.

"If you keep going on like that, I won't last much longer" Jimmy moaned out, his lip caught between his lip in his moment of satisfaction. "In that case" Angela took her hand away and led back onto the bed. Jimmy hovered over her, taking in her full naked display "You're so beautiful" he almost whispered. Angela couldn't hide the blush that arose in her cheeks, "Shut up and fuck me James" she smirked. Jimmy grinned at her words and began to position himself.

They both let out guttural groans as their bodies collided together. Angela knew Jimmy was experienced, but this was unlike any sex she had before. There was a feeling of intimacy that ran through, as though it had been a long time coming. Angela's moans filled the room as Jimmy hit her sweet spot with ever thrust. Jimmy knew he was not going to last much longer, thankfully it seemed neither was Angela.

Angela let out one last cry as her body shook violently from her orgasm, soft moans escaping her lips. Jimmy felt his orgasm too, letting out his pleasure deep within, and collapsing next to Angela on the bed. They both lay, naked and sweaty, both coming down from their highs. Jimmy etched closer to Angela, burying his face in the crook of her neck, planting one small kiss. "Goodnight Angela" he whispered.

"Goodnight Jimmy"

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