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The door swung open to reveal a rather tired looking Jimmy. Angela's mouth instantly dried up at the sight of him. All confidence from before shattered within a second of seeing him. "Angela" his voice was tired, he'd obviously been asleep. Not up and fussing about like Angela had been. "Sorry if I woke you" Angela mumbled, looking anywhere else but the guitarists eyes.

"I assume you're wondering why i'm here" Angela tried to break the tension. Jimmy didn't respond, instead he just looked at her as if for her to continue what she was saying. "Well, I actually wanted to apologise-" Angela began but was stopped abruptly when Jimmy pulled her in from the corridor and into his room.

"Uh okay, as I was saying so-" She was once again cut off by Jimmy, this time he just put his finger over mouth and smirked slightly. "You don't have to apologise Angela" he sighed "I shouldn't have said that stuff today, I was showing off" he removed his finger and gestured for Angela to speak.

"It was my fault really, I overreacted" she quickly reassured. Jimmy shook his head and laughed quietly. "We're both in the wrong, let's just forget about it" Jimmy smiled and pulled Angela into his arms. Looking up into his bright eyes she smiled "I'm glad you said that". The pair sealed their apology with a soft kiss.

Day quickly turned to night. And in only a matter of time Jimmy and Angela we're back to normal, but wary to not be so affectionate in front the rest of the band, to avoid any teasing. This however did not go to plan.

The two arrived in the hotel lobby trying to find the guys. Tonight they were heading to California on the Starship. Angela was more than excited, she had practically gushed to Jimmy about how she hadn't visited California since she was a child and was very happy to return.

Angela scanned around to find the guys, of course she saw them occupying themselves at the bar. Seemingly already drunk, Angela laughed to herself and pointed them out to Jimmy. The two headed over to the loud, drunken threesome and waited for them to notice.

"Ahem" Jimmy cleared his throat. Suddenly the three stopped, swivelled their heads to face the two. When they realised who had interrupted their slurred rendition of Twist and Shout they let out a roar of welcome. Jimmy and Angela say separately to not fuel any suspicion about the pair.

"Aye Pagey, Ive a bone to pick with you!" Bonzo stretched him around Jimmy and began whispering in his ear. Jimmy was smiling at whatever Bonzo was saying but Angela couldn't hear. Instead she looked to John. "All made up now I take it?" John smiled hopefully. Angela smiled and nodded, which John soon did after.

"Knew it!" Bonzo shouted, causing almost everyone in the bar to look at him. "What is it Bonz?" Robert raised an eyebrow comedically. "Well, me and Jonsey popped by Pageys room this morning, looking for this little madam" Bonzo spoke and waved a finger at Angela. Angela could already sense what Bonzo was on about and she blushed in embarrassment. "Pagey denied it, said she wasn't there" Bonzo stopped and took another guzzle of Vodka. "Well?" Robert asked impatiently. "Well Pageys a rotten liar let's say that" Bonzo smirked deviously and winked at Angela.

"You don't look that surprised Robert" Jimmy spoke up, he too looked a tad embarrassed. "Can't say I am, everyone knew it was going to happen. And Bonzo you owe me twenty quid!" Robert laughed. "You were betting?!" Angela spoke in shock, she hadn't relayed the tension had been obvious for everyone. "Even the crew thought you were an old married couple! All the bickering, must've been a wild night eh?" Robert wiggles his eyebrows suggestively, Angela blushed in response.

"You can say that again" Angela mumbles quietly, hoping nobody would hear. But of course, they did. The whole room went quiet until the loud roar or laughter filled the air. Angela looked at Jimmy, he definitely looked pleased and gave her a wink.

Filler chapter, sorry it's not that interesting! Please Vote and Comment!

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