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By the time they had landed in California, it was two hours to showtime. Jimmy promised Angela that tomorrow he'd be all hers and they'd visit the very beach she once loved. Happy with the compromise, Angela looked forward to the upcoming gig.

"And you promise you'll watch from the wings" Jimmy looked briefly up from tuning his guitar at Angela, who was perched on the dressing room table. "Jimmy it's my job to take photos of you, of course i'm going to be watching you" Angela jumped off and planted a soft kiss on his lips to stop his worrying. Jimmy smiled to himself briefly and continued to pluck at the strings.

Deciding to see what the rest of the band were up to before the show, and to see if she could get some before photos. Angela headed to the main dressing room. As soon as she entered she was greeted quite amusingly. "Angela, oh Angela, the girl who I was mine, but she has been taken by such a swine" Roberts melodic yet comedic singing echoed around the room, Angela giggled at Robert, who was now feigning heartbreak and pulling her in for a hug.

"Careful Plant, don't want Jimmy thinking you've nicked his bird eh?" Bonzo chuckled, nursing a bottle of vodka in one hand and drumsticks in the other; in true Bonzo style. "Ha Ha, very funny you two. But i'll have you know i'm nobody's 'bird' i'm a free woman, just having fun" Angela smirked and headed to get herself a bottle of beer. "Free bird are you now? Could've fooled me the way you two were cuddled up in the Starship" Bonzo nudged Robert teasingly. Angela felt her cheeks heat up, a warm feeling creeping in her stomach at the thought of Jimmy.

"Oh stop teasing her, you two" Angela swivelled her head to see Jonesy entering. "You okay Angela?" He brought her in for a friendly hug. "Yeah i'm fine, where were you anyways?" She took another gulp of her beer. "Speaking to the old ball and chain. Miss her like mad I do, and the little munchkins" Jonesy smiled fondly, bringing a warm smile onto Angela's face. "Still life goes on, and I believe we've got a concert to play" Jonesy lead the way out.

The atmosphere of the whole concert was insane. Having been to a few Led Zeppelin concerts, Angela had a pretty good idea what to expect. But tonight, it was as if she was hearing every song for the first time. The whole scene was perfect. And she couldn't keep her eyes off a certain dark haired guitarist.

Every time he plucked a string or performed a solo, it sent shivers down Angela's spine. She couldn't believe the effect he had on her. Hypnotic, that's one word for it. She watched intently, snapping pictures as he continued fingering his double-necked guitar. Sweat running down his face, even the littlest things like that were enough to turn Angela's legs to jelly.

Amidst performing, Jimmy seemed to catch Angela's gaze from the corner of his eye. He smirked to himself as he felt her eyes staring intently at him, he made sure to flex a little for vanity. His efforts not going unnoticed as he saw Angela's bottom lip caught between her teeth. He loved the effect he had on her, because he knew she had the exact same on him.

The booming chorus of 'Rock and Roll' crescendoed throughput the ballroom. Angela tapping her feet whilst making sure to get the best photos of the band. Suddenly she felt as if she wasn't alone. She turned and as she thought, she was joined by a youngish girl. Couldn't have been any older than Angela. She was decked out in typical LA girl fashion; short top, bell bottoms and large platforms. Angela watched as the girl stared at the band. Each member individually.

"They're amazing aren't they" The girl suddenly spoke up, her American accent think and traditional. "That they are" Angela smiled shyly and continued to snap pictures. "Jimmy is just so mysterious, what a guy. Haven't seen him for a while" Angela watched the girl fawn over Jimmy, who was still blissfully unaware of his admirer. "Yeah, he sure is something" Angela response, growing tired of the girl lusting for Jimmy.

The girl smoothed her bell bottoms down, and held out a dainty manicured hand "Forgive me, I'm being rude, I'm Pamela. Miss Pamela they call me"

Dun, dun, dunnnn.
I really hope you all know who Pamela is, if not. She was a well known groupie and her and Jimmy dated in the 70s. Below is a pic!!

 Below is a pic!!

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