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The months spent after that special week were magical. The whole time both Angela and Jimmy were so absorbed in one another. So enthralled with the idea of each other, they were barely ever not in arms length of another. If he had gigs, she went and photographed. She loved to watch him perform, it reminded him of the first time they'd met. She's often recall their first encounter and laugh something small to herself. Oh if she only knew back then what she was getting herself into.

Everything was perfect. Which only made Angela worry more, it was too perfect. She hated that she'd become accustomed to watching out to see if either of them would slip up. She didn't want to think about it, but it all felt like the calm before the storm. Then it hit her. Her realisation causing a wave of dizziness to cast over her body. It was November, she knew that tour lasted around a year and they'd been on it since December of the year prior thanks to Jimmy's stories.

He'd be going home. Not home as in the hotel room they'd share whilst jumping from venue to venue, state to state. Home in England. Panic struck deep within her, what if he just leaves without saying goodbye? What will I do once he's gone? Will I go with him? Does he want me to come? Will I end up like Pamela? Just another tour girlfriend disposed of when it was deemed necessary.

"What are you thinking about love?" Jimmy's damp arms encasing Angela from behind the couch made her jump to her feet. Which in turn, startled Jimmy; he gave her a concerned look, one perfectly sculpted eyebrow raised in what other situations would seem comical, but now was worried. "Angela?" His once friendly tone turned quiet, scared of what her answer would be. She was cagey and the way she jumped a mile at Jimmy's touch was enough to cause worry lines to embed themselves in Jimmy's brow.

"Oh it's nothing!" Angela quickly put on a large cheesy grin and threw her arms around Jimmy, trying desperately to relieve the noticeable tension. Jimmy pulled away hesitantly, giving Angela's face a look over. "Somethings wrong, tell me" His voice was stern, demanding. Angela opened her mouth but thankfully before she could manage a stutter, the three remaining band members meandered through the dressing room doors.

"Angie, Angieee" Robert put on his best Jagger impression, the greeting had become a common thing. Robert having subsisted in doing it every time they saw each other, after learning from Jimmy that she despised the song. Still in this situation it managed to make her fake smile appear a bit more genuine. She broke away from the tense bubble her and Jimmy were in and brought Robert in for a hug. "Didn't see you out there tonight Ang? You feeling alright love?" Bonzo asked, sounding like a concerned father. Angela went to speak up but once again she found herself being interrupted by something, or rather someone.

"Actually me and Angela were going to head back to the hotel, she's got a headache" Jimmy lied easily, Angela narrowed her eyes at him. She hated lying, especially when Jimmy did it. The only reason she found herself agreeing with Jimmy and saying her goodbyes to the guys so soon was because she needed to get her worries off her chest. She needed to know what was going to happen. She needed answers...

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