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The hotel room was dark, the tense atmosphere absorbing instantly as Jimmy stalked into the room, closing the door quickly and letting out a sigh. Angela was stubborn, refusing to give in at the first half-hearted sigh. "I don't like you lying" Her eyes narrowed, feline-esque at Jimmys face. "Neither do I, sit down" Jimmy matched her tone and gestured to the bed that they shared. Angela, being conpliant for the first time of the evening did as told and perched herself on the end of the velvet.

Jimmy exited briefly, Angela assumed to change out of his suit he had wore, which was now damp with sweat. This gave Angela time to mull over the situation; how was she going to just come out and say it? What would he say? Worry lines etched deep onto her brow as she subconsciously began to chew the skin around her cuticle, not noticing Jimmy re-entering the room.

He crouched down so he was eye level with Angela, his once stern exterior softened when he caught sight of her glassy eyes. He gently took her thumb from her mouth, resting his large palm over her smaller one. "Love, please talk to me" His voice smooth as butter, cutting the tense atmosphere, making Angela's stomach flutter madly. There was no doubt she loved him, which was why it was harder to act as though she was strong in this situation, although inside she felt like a child; wanting what she always knew wouldn't be realistic. He was a rockstar, and what was she? She hadn't even figured it out herself.

Angela quickly blinked away the mist covering her vision, inhaling lightly "Jimmy I want you to tell me the truth" Jimmy nodded almost instantly, hanging on her every word. "When this, is finished- the tour that is" She stumbled over her words, trying to keep up the facade "Where will you go?" Her voice failed her on her last words, her words sounded choked as if she wore a necklace of barbed wire.

Jimmys expression dimmed significantly, eyes darting to the floor, the bedpost, anywhere but Angela. "I'll be back in England" He spoke sullenly, finally bringing his gaze up to where Angela was clearly holding in her tears. Jimmy wanted nothing more than to hold her, promise her he'd be back - but it wasn't as easy as that, he had a life back home. He just didn't know how to manage his tour life and his home life. It happened evey time they toured, he'd have the time of his life in a new continent everyday but when he'd return home, nobody was there to do shots or bumps with at ungodly hours in the morning, instead he would be met with the inevitable silence that graced him at the end of every tour.

"Oh" was all Angela managed to choke out, tears falling down her porcelain cheeks. Angela cursed herself for being so foolish as to believe she would be enough to convince him to stay. "We're going to Wales as soon as we get back, Peter is going to have us working in bloody isolation for this new album I swear" Jimmy tried to lighten the mood, but it did little to stop the steady flow of tears on Angela's face. "I'm sorry darling" He cradled her cheek, using his thumb to brush away the trail that was left.

Angela bit her lip lightly, wanting nothing more than to just curl up and cry, but she couldn't. Not when she knew these forthcoming weeks would be their last together. "It's okay James, I understand" She nodded, eyes firmly fixed on her twiddling thumbs.

Jimmy placed a slender finger under her chin and raised it up to meet his, planting soft kisses all over her slightly reddened face. They were soft, tender, but ultimately bittersweet and served as the reminder of what would be missed when he left. Angela would be left with nothing more than a head full of memories and empty promises. However, she wouldn't let herself dwell on it, for it was her own fault for falling in love with Jimmy. She hadn't wanted it at first, she bit down her feelings and buried them deep down in the pit of her stomach, but now she wanted nothing more than to follow him to the edges of the world, desperate for this touch, his kiss and his words.

No, she couldn't feel sorry for herself for she had got herself here. And she knew what she had to do to avoid the inevitable heartbreak. She would have to break his before he even got the chance to crush hers by his leaving...

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