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Angela stared up at Jimmy with wide eyes, at first she was sceptical. Thinking that Jimmy was only saying it to bargain himself out of another argument. "You what?" Angela's voice grew quiet. "You heard me Angela" He reassured. Angela paced around the room, chewing at her nails. Not the reaction Jimmy had wanted to him revealing his feelings.

"Say something" Jimmy but his lip, needing to know what thoughts were racing around her mind at this point in time. Angela took a deep breath and walked up to Jimmy. "Jimmy, do you mean it?" She asked tentatively. Jimmy let out a sigh, a slight annoyance clouding over him that she wouldn't believe him when he said he loved her.

But he remembered, only just an hour ago she had left after seeing his ex. He understood she had a right to ask a few questions. "If you're thinking i'm just saying this because of earlier, you're wrong" Angela went to speak but Jimmy pressed a finger to her lips. "I really do love you Angela, and I know it's odd timing but I really do" He finally removed his finger and gestured for Angela to speak.

In an instant she pulled Jimmy's face to hers and planted a passionate kiss on his soft lips. Before they had kissed, there had been an underlying sense of lust. But with Jimmy's confessions. She felt her heart swell with love as she continued her attack on his lips. Deep down, she couldn't deny her feelings, she was just glad Jimmy shared them.

After a while they both finally came up for air. "I love you too Jimmy" She practically whispered. Jimmy couldn't hide the large beam that came over his features. He planted another kiss to her lips and whispered in her ear. "Be my girl, Angela" he purred into her ear. Angela felt herself melt inside at his words, the words she'd wanted to hear for a while now.

"About time you asked" She teases, running her dainty fingers through his ebony curls. "We all know you've been mine since the beginning Angela" He smirked, his king arms snaking protectively over her waist. Angela raised an eyebrow "Oh have we now?" Jimmy simply smiled and nodded. "Can't argue with that I guess" Angela smirked, relaxing into his warm embrace.

They stayed like that for a while; just simply enjoying each others presence, swaying softly as Angela pecked his lips every once in a while. "I thought I lost you for a moment earlier" Jimmy broke the comfortable silence. Angela rotated to face him and let out a sigh, "Me too, i'm just glad you came to your senses James" her serious tone turned playful. "Oi, i'll take it back Angie" He used the nickname he knew she hated, chucking softly at the look of disgust in her face.

"Watch it Pagey" She narrowed her eyes at him, trying to keep up the angry facade. Her veneer soon shattered into a fit of giggles as Jimmy raised his eyebrows at her. "God I love you" He sighed peacefully, Angela's stomach did a somersault, even the simplest words from Jimmy's lip could make her fall ten times harder.

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