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The morning had been spent somewhat lazily. Angela and John discussed literature at the poolside as Bonzo and Robert splashed about like children in the water. Jimmy however, was nowhere to be seen. She sighed as she caught herself thinking of the raven-haired man once again.

"D'ya reckon you'll stay tonight Angela?" John broke her from her thoughts. "Well, I wouldn't want to intrude" Angela spoke softly. Secretly she did want to stay, she wanted to stay and make more memories with these four men rather then go home to an empty apartment. "Don't be silly love, you're the life of the party. Could give Bonzo a run for his money" Robert rested his strong arms in the side of the pool, squinting up at Angela. Angela chuckled at Roberts words.

"I heard my name" Bonzo emerged from under the water, climbing out of the pool. "I was just saying how much we'd like Angela to stay tonight" John told Bonzo, who was shaking like a dog to remove the water, splashing John and Angela in the process. "Of course we would! Oh please stay Ang" Bonzo came and wrapped Angela in a hug, dampening her clothes much to her dismay "Bonzo! Get off" She squealed. "Not until you say you'll stay!" Bonzo squeezed the small girl even tighter. "There won't be any of her left if you keep squeezing her like that you lump of lard!" Robert chuckled. "Okay, okay I will!" Angela cried out. Bonzo finally released her and gave a warm smile.

A few hours had passed and everyone bar Jimmy was piled into a white limousine. Robert has mentioned they were off to The Rainbow on the Sunset Strip. Needless to say Angela was beginning to grow accustomed to this lifestyle; the partying, dancing, drinking. It was all surreal to her. She knew she'd never feel as high as she felt when she was with Led Zeppelin. It was a feeling she'd treasure, despite how short their time had been together.

Approaching The Rainbow, Angela could already hear the music that was pouring out of the club, this only excited her more. Her thoughts flashed to what she would be doing if she wasn't here. Probably finishing some boring work. But now, she was truly happy. Bonzo tapped her shoulder, stopping her from daydreaming "You ready love?" He held out his arm for her, she nodded happily and grasped on.

She'd never get used to that entrance, she wondered how the guys could do it everywhere they went. She felt like she needed an inhaler after every car ride with Led Zeppelin. Regardless the four headed into the club. Angela didn't know what to expect, but what she wasn't expecting was the chaos that was the Rainbow. People everywhere, Music booming from speakers, drinks flowing, Coke available at the snap of a finger. Still, she felt rather drawn to the madness of it all.

The four had been drinking for a while, exchanging hilarious anecdotes, memories, all the while getting progressively more drunk. "There he is! The great enigma!" Robert roared with drunken laughter and pointed to the door. Angela snapped her head round, in walked a rather sober looking Jimmy, two girls on his arm. Angela tried to ignore the slight jealously she felt, but it seemed to fade away as she watched him shoo them away and head for where she was sat. "You lot are fucked" Jimmy laughed at the scene. "You would be correct Pagey" Bonzo slurred. Jimmy looked over at Angela, she had on a silk black dress which clung to her beautifully. She seemed to have been avoiding his glance though, he smirked at the sight.

Angela felt a presence looming next to her but refused to turn her head. She wasn't going to give in that easily. "You going to ignore me all night?" Jimmy whispered huskily in her ear, his hand creeping onto her thigh. Angela let out a sigh at the contact, she whipped her head around. "Don't think I could without you pestering me James" They both shared a smirk. Instantly, Jimmy grabbed hold of her hand and pulled her out of the booth, she gasped at the sudden movement but his right grip meant she couldn't escape.

"Jimmy what the fuck!?" She exasperated as they barged out fo the club exit, drinks still barely in their hands. "I had to get away from the noise" Jimmy smiled and moved closer. Not wanting to comply easily, Angela took a step back "And why might that be Mr Page?" she questioned, Jimmy took another step forward. "I've thought of you all day Angela" he whispered in his sexiest voice, sending butterflies to her stomach. "Where did you go Jimmy?" she bit her lip as he stood gingerly close to her. "Town, I got you something" Jimmy took a hand that had been hidden behind his back, he retired a moderately sized box and handed it to Angela. "Jimmy, you didn't have to buy me anything" She felt guilty at his present but opened it nonetheless.

A camera. Angela could've cried, it was brand new and absolutely stunning. Still the guilt crept over her "Jimmy I cant accept this" She spoke hesitatingly, trying to hand it to him, but he stepped back. "Nonsense, you're keeping it, I don't want it" He smiled a childish grin. "Oh Jimmy thank you" she pulled him in for a hug, when they both began to pull away they caught each others eyes, staring for longer than necessary. As if a force pulled them together, Angela planted her lips against his, marvelling in the feeling of his soft lips.

When they both (reluctantly) pulled away, they smiled warmly at each other. Jimmy smirked to himself and began to sip his drink. "Better test it out" Angela grinned and brought the camera up to her eye. Snapping a picture before Jimmy could hesitate.

 Snapping a picture before Jimmy could hesitate

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