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It took Angela just over an hour to get ready. She had never met a celebrity before, she was surprised when she managed to keep a coherent sentence when speaking to John.

However she knew the other members were not as innocent. Drugs, Sex, Booze, Groupies, all the stories she had read seemed to whirl around in her mind as she brushed her long blonde hair, giving herself a one over and heading for the door

When Angela arrived, sure enough John was standing outside, his usual friendly smile on his face.

"You came!"

"I promised you I would" Angela replied with a smirk.

"Best get you introduced to the guys" John opened and held the door for the petite girl, she nodded her thanks and followed him backstage.

It was large; large and dark. Angela could barely make out John's silhouette as he glided down the multiple hallways.

"Nervous?" John questioned upon looking at Angela biting her nails.

"Oh no! just a silly habit" She smiled.

Lies; she was nervous, what was she supposed to say to Led Zeppelin? She tried to control her breathing and flattened her curly mane. John continued down the halls, humming a distant tune. When he had finally found the door marked 'Dressing Room' he turned to Angela and gave a reassuring smile.

When the door opened, Angela was met with the loud booming of music, the potent smell of pot and the conversations of multiple people. All the factors overwhelmed her and caused her to gulp.

"Is it always like this?" She asked timidly.

"Not always, seems they're in a partying mood tonight" John replied, scanning the room for his bandmates.

"Ah! Follow me!" John grabbed hold of Angela's hand and led her through the sea of people, she muttered her apologies and gave half-hearted smiles to those she passed.

"Jonesy, so nice of you to join us, and you brought company?" Angela instantly recognised the husky voice of Robert Plant and felt her knees tremble. Another boisterous voice joined in.

"Aye go on Jonesy introduce us!" the man was tall and intimidating but his words were spoken friendly and kind, Angela guessed this was the drummer.

"This is Angela, we met earlier at the library, thought i'd show her around" Jonesy introduced Angela.

Robert turned to Angela and planted a kiss on her small hand, "It's a pleasure Miss Angela" Robert smiled and let go, giving the large man a chance to give Angela a warm hug.

"Take no mind to his antics love, i'm Bonzo" he chuckled.

Once they were all introduced, the four sat around and shared a few drinks and lots of laughs, the guys told Angela story's about life on tour; all of which sounded incredible.

However, she hadn't failed to notice the missing person in the room, she knew of the guitarist Jimmy Page and his wild accounts from various magazines but had yet to actually see him.

Like he had read Angela's mind, Jonesy spoke up, "Pagey not have the time for us tonight?"

The two band members laughed "Saw him go off with a few girls just before you came, he'll be out soon no doubt" Robert responded.

Angela had decided to use the restroom to freshen up, after inquiring Jonesy on there whereabouts, she set off down the long, dark hallways.

She finally found it after a few minutes of searching and knocked on the door.

"Be a second!" a grunted voice echoed from inside, Angela just waited patiently.

A few more minutes had passed and the person showed no signs of exiting, she knocked on the door once again.

"I said i'll be out in a sec-" the voice became clearer as they opened the door.

Angela's eyes grew wide as she looked before her; Jimmy Page.

He looked at her unamused, "Another one of you? Jesus Christ, I thought Richard got rid of you lot?" he spoke angrily, Angela just stared at him with a confused look on her face.

"C'mon then" Jimmy grunted pulling Angela into the toilet.

Angela groaned in protest and retrieved her arm from Jimmy's grip.

"Excuse me?"

"What? This is what you all want isn't it? A chance to brag to all your groupie friends about your experience with Jimmy Page?" he spoke sarcastically.

It finally registered with Angela and she scowled at him, "Don't flatter yourself Mr Page, I am not some groupie. I simply needed the restroom and you were too busy primping your hair to be as big as your ego, so if you would be so kind and fuck off and let me use it?"

Jimmy looked at her with a bemused expression, he couldn't believe how she had spoken to him. Regardless, he left the restroom with a huff muttering expletives as he wandered to the dressing room.

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