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Passing the sea of faces that crowded the hotel corridor, Angela walked sadly to her hotel room. She felt like she may have overreacted to the whole situation, but she was ever so stubborn and did not want to admit defeat that easily.

As soon as she reached her room, she dove head first into her pillow. Desperately wanting to rid the argument out of her mind, and bury it deep within her. Of course, things can't be that easy so she settled for moping into a pillow instead.

Her moping was cut short however, by a soft knock on the door. Angela raised her raised her head confusedly. Could it be Jimmy? Her thoughts raced as she began to walk to the door. Even if it was Jimmy, what was she to say? it would be so awkward. Angela braced herself to face who she thought it would be.

"Alright Angela?". John. Angela released the breath she hadn't realised she was holding in, relief washing over her at the sight of Johns welcoming face. "Hey John, come in" She widened the door and he stepped foot inside, glancing at the small-ish room. "Looks like you haven't even slept in here yet" John said teasingly. He obviously had some idea of her and Jimmy together last night. His teasing showed that he obviously hadn't a clue what it ended like though.

"You got me" Angela spoke sardonically, returning to bury her head in the pillow. John took a seat next to her on the bed. "He's that bad huh?" John poked Angela's side, she let out a groan. "It's not that John" her voice muffled by the pillow. "Care to explain?" John tapped her back comfortingly. Angela sighed and lifted her face up to face John. He always was so kind, looking out for everyone, Angela really admired that.

"Me and Jimmy got into a disagreement" Angela used air quotes around the word 'disagreement'. It went really that, more so Angela believing there was a reason to be upset over nothing. "I did hear some shouting, just thought he was good in the sack though" John nudged Angela's shoulder, in an attempt to cheer her up. It did, Angela let out a chuckle "Not helping John".

"Okay so what actually happened" Johns voice turned serious. Angela took a deep breath "Me and Jimmy spent the night together, don't sound too surprised" John smirked lightly but nodded for her to continue "And this morning when you and Bonzo came asking about it, the way he spoke..I don't know it just seemed so disregarding. Like I was nothing but a joke" Angela felt a lump in her throat but refused to cry. Especially over Jimmy.

Johns silence worried Angela, did he side with Jimmy? What was he thinking? "John?" Angela snapped her finger. "Sorry, well Angela. Do you like Jimmy?" the question was daunting to think about. She hadn't wanted to admit it out loud but she couldn't hide from the truth. "Yes" she muttered. "In that case, you need to sort this out. Just go over and explain how you felt. Jimmy's a smart bloke, he'll understand." Johns word sounded wise coming from his lips, Angela was lucky to have a friend like him.

"But what if he thinks that after this morning, i'm just some clingy stupid girl? Falling to his feet or something?" Angela has too much pride to lower herself. "Jimmy thinks very highly of you Angela, i'm serious. He can see your different to the rest of these girls. If anything, don't be surprised if it's him knocking on the door apologising" John laughed slightly. Angela blushed at the thought of Jimmy speaking to fondly of her.

"Okay, thank you for this John seriously. You've helped loads" She pulled him in for a hug. "Always here to help Angie" He smiled kindly, dimples noticeable at both ends of his mouth.

John had left just over an hour ago. Angela was stood in for my on the hotel rooms mirror, trying desperately to boost her confidence so she could speak to Jimmy. She didn't want to admit, but apologising was the thing that bruised her ego. However, she knew she was i the wrong.

Angela walked the very same corridor she had slumped down not a few hours earlier. Finding herself at the familiar door. She took one last deep inhale and knocked on the door.

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