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Angela was miffed by Jimmy's first impression of her, she thought about the look on his face once she'd snapped at him and smiled smugly to herself. She finished up in the restroom and headed back to find John.

"Hey you're back, there's someone I want you to meet" Jonesy stopped to greet Angela, guiding her over to where the band sat.

She instantly locked eyes with Jimmy and gave a harsh glare.

"Jimmy this is Angela, a friend of mine and Angela this is Jimmy, drummer of course" Jonesy joked,

Jimmy seemed to have the same glare plastered on his face but obviously decided to play nice in front of John's new friend.

"Nice to meet you Angie" Jimmy said sarcastically, Angela winced at the nickname.

"It's Angela, but pleasure to meet you too James" she replied cooly.

Jimmy shot her another death glare and reached for his bottle of Jack that was sitting on a glass table. John seemed to pick up the tension and tried to intervene .

"Um, we go on in five. Will you watch us from the wings?" Jonesy asked, Angela's once harsh exterior softer and she gave John a smile.

"Of course"

The music was otherworldly. Each instrument came together harmoniously and that combined with Roberts moaning vocals, it was enough to make any girl weak at the knees.

Throughout the show, Angela would give John some excited smiles and he would giggle quietly at her expression. Angela had noticed she'd also caught the attention that of Jimmy, his green eyes stared hard at her from his position on stage. Angela felt nervous under the severity of his gaze but refused to let him see her sweat.

Truth be told Jimmy was annoyed. Annoyed at the attitude that the small girl had given him. Some may say his anger was fuelled by that of his inflated ego, but he just couldn't stand a woman who didn't fall at his knees. He watched her as she swayed along to the pulsing beat, she looked at one with the music that was lingering heavy in the air. He wanted to make it his mission to get her to submit to him, to drive her absolutely wild. He knew Angela wasn't easy, which made it all the more the challenge to him.

After a closing rendition of 'Thank You' the band slipped into the wings, Bonzo giving Angela a large sweaty hug.

"Bonzo!" she squealed from the strong confused of his arms. He just chuckled and set her back down.

"So what did you think?" Robert panted, trying to regain his breath.

"Oh Robert it was incredible, absolutely in-fucking-credible" she gushed.

"Glad you enjoyed it" Jimmy suddenly spoke in a dark, menacing tone, catching Angela off guard.

"We have a sort of after-party at the riot house, if you wanted to make an appearance" John spoke with a soft lisp.

"I'm not sure John-" Angela gazed at her watch, unsure of what to do.

"Oh c'mon Ang, the night is still young!" Bonzo roared. Angela bit her lip.

"Why not" she shrugged happily.

"Great! Stay right here and we'll just be five minutes okay?" John told her whilst walking backwards with the rest of the band, Angela nodded in reply and watched them walk away into the darkness.

Angela stared at the stage, once alive with the incredible sounds of Led Zeppelin, it was now dull and gloomy. Angela was broken out of her gaze by a low voice.

"I believe we go off on the wrong foot" she turned to face the voice, Jimmy.

"Yeah well who's faults that?" She snapped back, "I mean, do I really look like some desperate groupie to you?"

Jimmy took a step closer, "Of course not, I think you're just beautiful Miss Angela" he spoke in his best seductive voice.

Angela took the opportunity to tease and ran her small hand along the outside of his cheek, she shouldn't of enjoyed the contact but the jolt of electricity was obvious.

"Well Mr Page I think you are a pig" Angela spoke menacingly, hoping to ward him off.

This only seemed to excite Jimmy more and he closed the gap between them, his mouth only inches away from Angela's, a short gasp escaped her mouth as she tried not to look in his hypnotic eyes.

"Give it time love, they all come to me" he smirked, Angela scoffed and took a step back.

"God you're insufferable, I can assure you that will not be the case James" she spoke harshly, Jimmy just grinned.

"That's what they all say" he muttered before turning and heading back to the dressing room.

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