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Jimmy made sure to keep his promise to Angela. This meant dragging the whole band up earlier than they had been up in years. Angela wanted the beach? that's what she got. Jimmy wanted nothing more than to just try and show that he really was serious about her and that he loved her.

"Have you ever been before?" Angela broke Jimmy from his thoughts as her soft voice spoke from the seat beside him. "We don't get a chance, usually we're all too hungover to do anything" Jimmy sighed and pointed over to where Robert and Bonzo were sprawled across the cars interior, snoozing away.

Angela chuckled at the pair but turned her attention back to Jimmy. He was staring intently at the small bead of moisture running down the window of the car, she heaved a sign of relief. One that was symbolic in a way; she finally felt love, the kind of love that makes you feel mad enough to shout it from buildings. It was frightening, but each second she spent with him, the swell in her heart seemed to never stop growing. She felt as if she was glowing, a warm light shone around her like a little halo, she was no doubt in love.

The beach was quiet was a Saturday, only a few families dotted around the coast, each so wrapped up in their own lives, they failed to witness the rockstars walking past them. The five of them found a good spot near some shade. They set down the multiple bags they had slung around they're shoulders and all seemed to breathe a collected sigh. Angela took in her surroundings, she was so excited to be back in the place she loved the most.

The heat radiated down onto the five with such intensity, each of them instantly began to glisten with sweat. Everyone began to strip down to their bathers. "Right, what we all standing 'round for?" Bonzo chimed. Within an instant the four band members began heading for the clear blue ocean, Robert and Bonzo obviously fighting to be first like little schoolchildren. Jimmy and John meandered down to the edge of the sea, Jimmy stopped once he realised Angela wasn't following. He turned to see her slowly spinning around in a circle, eyes closed and seemingly taking in the atmosphere surrounding them. He smiled to himself as he watched her beam with joy; she really did love the beach.

"You coming in then or what?" Jimmy teased, breaking Angela from her trance-like state. "I'll be down in a minute, stay where I can see you" She lifted her sunglasses off her face, Jimmy noticed the suns effect on Angela, dozens of unique freckles cascaded her nose like stars. She was so natural; Jimmy was sure that's what he loved most about her, she didn't need to try and be someone she wasn't. She knew who she was and didn't have to rely on Jimmy for her confidence, she was her own person. "Yeah, alright Mum" He rolled his eyes playfully, giggling as Angela flashes his the V's.

Angela took perfect opportunity of the moment. She wanted to capture it badly, like she knew this moment wouldn't be the same again. She would never be this young and this free, life would always manage to harden. That's why she cherished these moments; something to remember when life did get tough. A reminder that she always had these memories that would last her a lifetime.

She pulled out the camera that Jimmy had gifted weeks prior and wolf-whistled to Jimmy. "Oi James, give us ya autograph would 'ya?" She put on her best cockney accent, confusing Jimmy to who was speaking at first. He turned and saw Angela giggling to herself , squinting slightly to snap a picture.

"Knew I shouldn't have bought that for you" Jimmy teased, inning up to give her a wet hug

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"Knew I shouldn't have bought that for you" Jimmy teased, inning up to give her a wet hug. She squealed as his damp arms encased her petite frame, droplets of water dropped onto her shoulder as he lay his head in the crook of her neck. "Oh shush, you love me really" She craned her neck to kiss his cheek. Jimmy reciprocated the action and gave her a soft kiss on her scarlet lips

"You're right, I really do love you Angela"

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