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Jimmy knocked desperately on the wooden door. "Angela? Jonsey?" He called out. He heard the doorknob rustle, he expected to be met with Angela's beautiful face. Instead he was met with an angry looking John, something you don't see too much of. Which made Jimmy worry.

"Did she get a lift with you?" Jimmy asked, needing to know if she was okay. "Yeah she did" Jonesy stated bluntly. "Can I speak to her?" Jimmy asked, feeling like a child having to get permission. "She's in the bath, and quite frankly I think you've done enough, leave her be" Jimmy was shocked by Johns words but couldn't help but agree. When asked again and again who Pamela was, he said nothing. God knows he felt shit right now.

"I didn't mean for them to meet" Jimmy tried to defend. "But they did Jimmy. As your friend i'm telling you this. You've got a fantastic girl in there, worships the ground the walk on. But thanks to you, she's asking me if she deserves love, you've upset her" Jonesy spoke calmly. His tone only helped further intensify the guilt Jimmy was feeling right now.

"I really didn't mean for this to happen John, I just need to speak to her, please. She needs to know how I feel about her" Jimmy spoke honestly, hating how soppy he sounding but also accepting the feelings he had succumbed to in the weeks prior. "And how do you feel about her?" Jonsey perked up at Jimmy's statement, wanting to hear Jimmy say it straight up.

Jimmy cleared his throat a tad. "You know I," Jimmy couldn't shake the uncomfortable feeling. Jonsey tried to stifle a laugh "If you cant even say it to me, how are you going to tell her?" He laughed, Jimmy loosened up a bit and let out a chuckle. "Seriously now Jim, do you love her?" Jonesy's question caught Jimmy off guard. Despite instantly knowing the answer, it felt odd to admit it. He just lowered his gaze and nodded his head. John didn't bother to hide the smile that graced his face, dimples and all. He gave a Jimmy a pat and headed back into the hotel room, leaving Jimmy a bit confused.

After a few minutes, John entered the hallway again. "You can go in" John said, Jimmy sighed in relief that she would allow him to talk. "Just don't be surprised if she launches anything throwable at you" John smiled and headed down the corridor. Jimmy reached for the door, before heading John "Oh and Jimmy" he turned "Don't break her heart" Jimmy just nodded and pushed the door.

Angela looked up from where she had situated herself on the velvet love seat. Jimmy looked at her longingly, she tried to hide her blush. Needing to keep sight of what he had done. "Angela..." Jimmy made his way over but she held up a hand to stop him from going any further. He raised an eyebrow. "You can explain right by there" She said sternly. Jimmy smirked a bit, but remembered what he had to say. He's had enough time to think.

"I just want to first and foremost apologise, for being an arsehole, I truly didn't mean to" He began "Could've fooled me" Angela piped up, he tried to ignore it. He explained about Pamela and how it was only a short lived tour affair, and that Pamela wanted things to be more serious. He admitted to still having 'relations' with Pamela while he was trying to flirt with Angela. He hated having to admit that, and the look on Angela's face of sadness did nothing to quell that distaste.

"I just hate being lied to Jimmy" She sighed and began to fidget with her hands in her lap. "You upset me, it's not the first time you've upset me either" She said coldly. Jimmy wanted badly to just walk up to her and smother her with affection, but he kept true to her wishes and remained still. "I promise I won't hurt you again Angela" He said truthfully, at least he hoped he wouldn't. Angela wiped a salty tear from her cheek, "Don't male promises you can keep Page" She got up and was heading for the door, Jimmy reacted quickly and grabbed her arm, lighter than he had at the concert.

"Please Angela, forgive me" He looked deep into her eyes, planting a kiss to her mouth, praying she wouldn't back away instantly, to his surprise; she didn't. "Jimmy, I don't you to break my heart, please don't" She looked up at him with tear-filled eyes. "I couldn't break your heart Angela, I wouldn't be able to live with myself" he wiped her tears away with a callous finger. "But why should I believe you?" She choked back a cry. Jimmy took a deep breath.

"Because I love you"

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