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The sun shone harsh through the velvet curtains, causing Angela to stir uncomfortably. She groggily pulled open her eyes, head pounding from the abundance of alcohol in her system. Her eyes scanned around the room, it was a regular hotel room; she sighed out of relief she hadn't done something stupid after the way Jimmy has her feeling the night before, his words still rang in her ears "You intrigue me Angela" she mentally scolded herself for nearly falling victim to his playboy antics.

She was broken from her thoughts to the turning of the door knob, to her relief it wasn't the man who wasn't stuck in her mind, it was John. "Hello Angela, thought i'd bring you these" he smiled and handed her a glass and two tablets, she took them and muttered a groggy 'Thank you'. John then took a seat on the bed "Jimmy seems to like you" he teased like a schoolboy, Angela groaned and threw a pillow at him, luckily he caught it. "Hey! In all seriousness, he wouldn't shut up about you" John continued, his words making a faint blush dance on Angela's cheeks "Probably how much of a prude I am for not fucking him on demand" she replied back, John laughed.

"Quite the opposite, says you denied him, needless to say that made us all laugh" John recalled, Angela stifled a giggle but eventually they both broke out in laughter. The noise must've awoke other as soon enough Bonzo and Robert entered Angela's room. "What are you pair giggling like a pair of schoolgirls at?" Robert questioned, taking a seat on the bed. "Just having a chat with the fire of Pagey's loins" John joked, Angela nudged his elbow. "We did hear, sulked off to bed after you rejected him" Bonzo laughed. Angela couldn't help but wonder why Jimmy was so at odds over her, she didn't see herself as anything special.

Soon enough, Bonzo and Robert left for breakfast, leaving John and Angela alone. "What time is it?" She pondered, John glanced at his watch "It's 11" he replied. Angela's eyes widened "Shit!" She shouted, frantically trying to get up and find all her things "What are you doing?" John chased after her, confused by her sudden outburst "I've got work, i'm three hours late" Angela cried out trying to find her other heel. John took her shoulders and tried to calm her "Look, how about you just call in sick? I mean there can't be much business on a Sunday morning right?" He quizzed, Angela thought to herself "Fuck it, I won't even bother ringing, they sure won't miss me" She smiles at the thought of no work. "In that case, I propose some breakfast" John grinned "Lead the way" Angela beamed.

Walking into the large room, Angela's eyes gazed among the mountain of food, all looked delicious and smelt just the same. "Why don't you get some food i'll speak to Peter" John spoke softly, Angela nodded "Peter?" "He's our manager, he just liked to know who's hanging around, I shouldn't be too long" John smiled and headed off into the sea of people. Angela grabbed a plate and headed immediately for the coffee, she had still felt tired as ever so decided it would be a perfect time for it.

She sighed as the hot liquid ran down her throat, "They say caffeine's bad for you" Angela nearly spat out her coffee as a voice rang behind her, she turned quickly to be greeted by the man she hadn't been able to escape. "Thought you hadn't pestered me in a while" She replied smugly and headed for the fruit, Jimmy following like a lost puppy "Don't deny that you don't enjoy my constant charm" he spoke smoothly and pinched a strawberry off Angela's plate, "Hey get your own! And you're right Jimmy, you're all i've thought about, oh how i've missed you" She spoke dramatically, despite a hint of truth being hidden within her statement, she was in fact thinking of Jimmy.

Jimmy suddenly moved up behind her, his long arm wrapped around her waist, she was shocked at his boldness but tried to keep her cool. "Won't be long til you'll be saying that truthfully" he whispered in a low, sexy voice. Angela felt the slightest bit turned on but again refused to show any sign of weakness, instead she grabbed a handful of Jimmy's long black locks and pulled his head closer to her mouth, whispering in her own seductive voice, "Not in a million years, James" She licked the outside of his ear, she was shocked at her boldness now as she moved away slowly. Jimmy groaned at the feeling and felt a stirring within his trousers "You tease" he smirked at the girl who was now looking with innocent eyes at him. "Only for you Jimmy" she spoke with a hint of sarcasm, as she grabbed her plate and headed for John.

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