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As the limousine pulled up to the Continental Hyatt House, Angela stared wide-eyed at the sheer beauty and enigmatic quality the place had.

The guys had told her famous stories of the 'Riot House' and that only added to her excitement.

"Stick with Bonzo love, it tends to get a bit crazy" Robert patted her cheek kindly, she nodded and clung onto Bonzo's arm.

"Brace yourself Ang" he sighed and opened the door.

Suddenly it all kicked into overdrive; cameras flashing all around her, the shouting of paparazzi dying to get a taste of the band, the screaming of teenage girls all wanting a piece of celebrity, and the unmistakable roar of chatter. Angela clung for dear life onto Bonzo, he didn't seem too dazed and chuckled at her scared exterior.

A breath of relief expelled from Angela's lips as they finally reached inside the hotel, they all headed straight for the bar, after the way she had been smiled until he crowd; she could definitely use a drink.

"So what is it that you do Angela?" Jimmy suddenly broke out from within the booth.

"I'm a photographer, I work with the local paper" She sighed, thinking of her boring job.

"That bad huh?" John poked her side.

"It's decent money, just too boring for me, god knows i'd much rather be doing what you lot do" she spoke glumly.

"The best way to cheer up is to drink!" Bonzo broke the silence, the group laughed at the already drunk man.

"That's your excuse for everything Bonham" Robert laughed.

"He has a point thought" Jimmy mused.

"You thinking what I am?" Bonzo looked at Jimmy mischievously.

A few hours had passed and thanks to the unlimited supply of alcohol Bonzo was giving to Angela, she was borderline paralytic.

She still managed to stay upright, dancing all night with a number of people and of course the band; apart from Jimmy who was too busy indulging in rather illegal activities.

"Oh John, you don't understand how happy I am to have met you; you're my best friend" Angela drunkenly slurred whilst holding onto
John for dear life, he laughed at the girl and continued to sway to the soft music.

Angela felt herself drifting more and more into a deep sleep but still kept her wits about as she
listened to an incoming voice.

"Need a hand?" she groaned at the sound of Jimmy's voice, she finally thought she had escaped his seductive glares and suggestive looks but apparently not.

"If you don't mind mate, she's a tad worse for wear" John laughed and tried maneuverer Angela onto Jimmy's arms, she tried to protest but found herself too out of it to do so.

"Don't leave her eh Jim?" Jonesy laughed and scurried away, leaving the pair alone.

Angela finally moved her head from where it had been buried in his silk green shirt, and gazed up at the tall man.

"What do you want James" she groaned again, feeling the early signs of a hangover.

Jimmy laughed softly, "I came to apologise"

"Well that's gotta be a first" Angela scoffed, Jimmy rolled his eyes in response.

"Are you always this stubborn" He snapped back

"Only to assholes who just want a quick fuck" Angela pushed herself off him.

"Now i'd appreciate you leave me be" She felt queasy all of a sudden.

"I'm afraid I can't do that" Jimmy smirked, Angela just gave a befuddled stare, waiting for him to elaborate.

"You intrigue me Angela, you are one of the first girls to not launch yourself at me, and it's driving me mad" he moved closer to Angela, brushing a piece of her long blonde hair past her ear. Angela revelled in the feeling of Jimmy's slender hand so close to her but soon caught onto his antics and pushed his hand away.

She felt brave and moved close to his face, her most dangerously close to his ear, "I am not some imbecile Page, although you may think you're smooth, i'd sooner let Bonzo in my pants before you'd ever get a chance" she smirked, Jimmy's ears perked at the challenge she had sparked.

"Oh but Love don't you see, I am smooth; don't think I don't notice how nervous you get when i'm close to you" he moved feverishly close, to emphasise his point as Angela inhaled sharply.

"And how your chest tightens every time I say your name- Angela" he dragged out her name, igniting a fire deep within her, she either wanted to slap him or kiss him, although she wasn't sure which she wanted to do more.

"I think i've proved my point" he grinned at the now silent girl before him, "I'll be seeing you soon, Miss Angela" he turned on his heel and headed for the dark shadows of the lobby.

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