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The pair entered the Rainbow once again, smiling and giggling drunkenly. Angela has well and truly been wooed by Jimmy, she thought she would despise this man. The past few days had proved otherwise. At first she was cautious of his advances, but she wanted nothing more than to give in to him and submit. However, there was still a small part of her that knew he was a known bachelor and to not trust him.

"Where'd you two disappear to?" Bonzo asked, raising an eyebrow comedically. "Wouldn't you like to know Bonham" Jimmy replied bluntly. Angela took her previous seat next to John, despite Jimmy's obvious want for her to sit beside him.

Jimmy didn't know what it was about Angela. Well that was a lie, it hadn't gone unnoticed that she was undoubtedly beautiful, with a figure to match. Jimmy wasn't that shallow though, she was smart. Unlike the brain dead groupies he'd encountered so many times before, he was adamant about getting Angela. Although he wasn't sure what he wanted from her quite yet.

"Care to dance M'lady?" Robert offered a hand to Angela, she giggled and took a look at Jimmy before she accepted. Jimmy looked pissed off, which made it all the more funnier when she took Roberts hand and headed for the dance floor. Staring back at Jimmy's clenched jaw as she giggled profusely, always the jealous type it seemed.

"Have you enjoyed yourself so far?" Robert pulled Angela in as 'You are so Beautiful' began to play. Angela took a second to think about the days prior, "Absolutely, I think i've made more memories in the past three days than in my entire life" Angela stated, swaying softly in Roberts arms. "I am glad love, we've really enjoyed being with you Angela" Robert spoke softly. Angela felt a sort of bittersweet feeling overcome her, she knew this couldn't last forever, however much as she wanted to.

"I..I wanted to ask you something love, it's a big ask" Robert stiffened slightly as Joe Cockers smooth voice filled the club. Angela looked at him seriously and nodded for him to continue. "Well you've made quite the impression on us all, especially Jimmy it seems" he smirked down at Angela, causing her to blush a deep crimson. "We were wondering if you wanted to join us...for the rest of the American tour that is" Robert seemed almost nervous to ask.

Angela swallowed deeply, what was she to say? surely she couldn't run off and leave everything? But then again, what did she have to leave? A small apartment and a shit job? The answer seemed obvious.

"I'd love nothing more Robert, but you are sure you want me coming, I mean what would I do?" Angela hesitated. "We had a think about that, spoke to Peter, he said you're welcome to help out with photography of the concerts and whatnot" Robert smiled eagerly. Angela beamed, she thought she was the luckiest girl in the world right now. The chance to tour with Led Zeppelin? It all seemed surreal.

"Yes, yes a million times yes!" she cried out clinging to Robert. He chuckled softly. "I am so glad you said yes, and I know someone else who will be" Robert teased and pointed at Jimmy, who still had the same sullen look on his face as before. "Oh shush, he just wants a fuck, it's obvious" Angela sighed. "Oh I don't think so, Jimmy is chasing you love, he wants you" Robert stated matter of factly. Angela gazed at the ebony haired man, the enigma, she could never quite work him out.

Robert and Angela returned to the booth, Bonzo and John clearly more pissed than before. "So Angela, Robert tell you about the plan?" Bonzo asked, trying to keep a coherent sentence together. Angela smiled and looked at Jimmy, who's angry face was now
replaced with that of hopefulness. "He has.." Angela dragged out. "And? What did you say?" John added on quickly. "Well if you'll have me, of course i'll come!" she exclaimed. Bonzo, John and Robert all rushed to her and suffocated her with hugs. Not Jimmy though.

When she was released, Angela took a seat next to Jimmy. Jimmy waited till conversation ensued with the rest of the band before placing a hand on Angela's thigh and leaning into her. "I'm glad you're staying" he spoke seductively, Angela could almost feel the warmth from her core as his breath fanned against her ear. "I'm glad too" she took a look back at him, his green eyes magnified by the alcohol, she swore she could stare at those eyes for hours and not get bored. Jimmy took her hand and placed a gentle kiss on it. "I look forward to our adventures" he spoke with a smirk. She grinned back and pulled her hand away slowly "I do too Mr Page"

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