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*smut warning! the chapter in full was too long so i've split it in two! hope that's okay!*

As the party of five neared the Hyatt House, it was almost as if Angela could feel the sexual tension lingering heavy in the air between her and Jimmy. He had continued to be touchy in the Rainbow but now, sitting opposite each other in the limousine sneaking flirtatious looks now and again, the lust was prevalent.

Jimmy stared hard at Angela as she tried her best to avoid his glare. He wanted nothing more than to rip her clothes off right then and there, he had waited long enough and he wanted Angela tonight. His stare was suddenly reciprocated by the object of his affection and the look was one of hunger and passion. He assumed that she wanted it just as much as him. And by god did he want her bad.

Feeling thankful for the sudden stop of the limousine, Jimmy have a quick tug at his trousers, trying to rid himself of the tight feeling he had succumbed to. He slipped out just after the rest of the band and Angela had exited, lingering close to Angela, watching like a predator watches it's prey. Angela felt a looming presence behind her and then a soft kiss on the back of her shoulder-blade, she shivered at the touch; Jimmy.

"Come to my room tonight" he spoke quietly whilst still peppering kisses to her shoulder. Jimmy had now pulled the pair into a hidden part in front in the hotel, where they couldn't be seen by band members or press. "That would be rather foolish Mr Page" she managed to moan out as his kisses became harder on her neck. "And why's that?" he murmured against her soft skin. "Because then that would mean that i'd given into you" Angela explained, loving the feeling of his velvet lips creeping up her neck. Jimmy paused and lifted his head to meet hers, Angela's eyes were warm, full of mischief. He planted a passionate kiss onto her stained lips, "Just give into me Angela, you know you want to" he spoke huskily.

Upon his seductive voice, all bets were off. Angela knew she couldn't deny the obvious lust between the two and she could not bare to go on pretending there was nothing there. She eagerly grabbed Jimmy's hand and raced for the elevator. Quickly slamming Jimmy against the wall and giving him long, lustful kisses. Jimmy's hands wandered down to her backside, as he gave it a harsh squeeze he whispered in her ear "I knew you'd give in, you're going to regret making me wait this long" he bit a love welt into her neck earning a pound groan from Angela. Tentatively, he kissed the bruised flesh.

Thankful to finally be in the comforts of his hotel room, Jimmy wasted no time in moving to the bed. He stopped the flurry of kisses to look into Angela's warm hazel eyes, "You sure about this?" he questioned. He was sure of his answer when Angela brazenly removed her dress, Jimmy's eyes quickly returned to their previous lust filled state as he gazed upon her bare body. Angela wrapped her slim arms around his neck and planted a deep kiss on his plump lips.

"I want you Jimmy"

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