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Sunlight shone through the opened curtain, Angela watched as it illuminated Jimmy's still sleeping face. Angela couldn't help but admire his soft features, eyes fluttering deep in sleep and light snores escaping his pursed lips. Her thoughts raced back to the night before as a light blush coated her cheeks. But she couldn't help but think, would this change things between them? Would Jimmy be off once he finally got what he wanted? Did he even like her?

Her worrying thoughts were interrupted, "Morning love" Jimmy's raspy morning voice spoke from across the bed. Suddenly, all worries she had before melted away at the sound of his voice. "Morning" she smiled at him, Jimmy reached out a rubbed Angela's cheek, she grinned at the sudden affection. "Penny for your thoughts?" Jimmy raised an eyebrow, still cradling her cheek. Angela let out a soft sigh "Nothing Jimmy, it was nothing" she shimmied closer to him and cuddled into his warm body. Jimmy planted a light kiss on her forehead as they both drifted back to sleep.

"Oi Pagey! Open up will ya?!" Bonzo's booming voice called from behind the hotel door, Jimmy and Angela awoke at the sudden noise, both groggily rubbing their eyes. Jimmy quickly arose muttering a quiet 'fucking hell', grabbing the duvet to cover his naked frame. "Bonzo, Jonsey. To what do I owe the pleasure?" Jimmy sighed out. "Angela, she's not in her room, happen to know where she is?" Angela could practically see the teasing look on Jonsey's face.

Angela smiled as she heard Jimmy speak. "Haven't seen her all night" Jimmy scratched his head as he spoke. "You sure Jim, seemed pretty cosy last night at the rainbow" Bonzo pressed further. "Me and her? Ha, next joke" Jimmy spoke dryly. Angela couldn't quite explain, but the quick dismissal Jimmy had given the two left her feeling unwanted to say the least. She quickly began to gather her things, realising Jimmy wasn't as serious as she thought.

Jimmy finished his brief talk with Bonzo and Jonesy and closed the hotel door to see a frantic Angela, gathering clothes and shoes from the floor. A confused look clouded over Jimmy's face. "What are you doing?" He questioned, still watching her shimmy on her clothes. "I'm going back to my room" she spoke bluntly. Jimmy couldn't understand where the sudden mood change had come from. "Yeah I can see that Ang, but why?" He followed her into the small bathroom. "It's Angela, and because" She quickly grabbed her bag and headed to open the door, Jimmy raced to close it. Angela let out a sigh as his eyes burned into her. "Because what Angela" his voice now low and calm, she tried her hardest to not look at his mesmerising eyes. For fear she'd end up being stupid and staying with him.

"Because of the way you just spoke about us to the guys, that's why!" her tone grew more angry. Jimmy furrowed his eyebrows once more "That? Angela come on, it was a joke!" he rubbed his forehead in frustration. "Well it wasn't very funny to me James, the way you just dismissed the idea made me feel like shit quite frankly" She muttered quietly. Jimmy took her small hand in his "Come on Angela, don't be unreasonable" he spoke longingly. Angela gazes down at there intertwined hands, she needed time to think. "I'm going back to my room" She pulled her hand away abruptly, opening the door. This time, Jimmy let her leave, muttering expletives as he watched her strut down the hotel corridor. He didn't know why, but he felt a pang of hurt as he watched her leave, desperately wanting for her to just turn around and return to him once again.

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