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Angela stared down at the girl's hand, still getting an uneasy vibe off her. "I'm Angela, nice to meet you" She shook 'Pamela's' hand and continued to snap action shots of the band and they finished the last song of the night 'Thank You'.

"You paparazzi or something?" The girl questioned, chewing her gum obnoxiously. "Not quite, i'm a friend of the band" Angela replied, watching as Jimmy waves to the crowd and wiped a layer of sweat of his forehead. Pamela scoffed "Aren't we all". Before Angela had time to ask what she meant by this, Jimmy was clutching her arm with force and pulling her away.

Angela shimmied her arm away from him and grunted. "What the fuck Jimmy?" She groaned, rubbing her arm. Jimmy didn't seem phased, just looked straight passed Angela and ignored her pain. "Jimmy?! what are you looking-" Angela turned to look at whatever was so seemingly important but before she could Jimmy turned her back around, grabbing her arm.

"Jimmy what the fuck is going on" Angela snatched her arm back, this time Jimmy was actually looking at her. "I didn't mean to hurt you, love" He gazes sympathetically at her now-reddening forearm. Angela glared coldly at him.

Jimmy fixed his eyes back behind Angela, she quickly turned and saw him looking over to where Pamela was giggling to Robert. "Why did you rush me away so fast from that girl? Angela's voice now quiet, for fear she might've not wanted to hear the answer. "No reason, why? what did she say to you?" Jimmy spat out quickly, his eyes large, boring into Angela's. "You're lying to me James" Her nostrils flared slightly, she could tell by the way he acted as soon as he saw that girl. Something wasn't right.

"Darling, honestly its nothing. She's nothing. Now come on, the care out the front" Jimmy turned in his heel and began walking towards the door. Stopping to turn and see that Angela hadn't followed; she was making her way over to Pamela. Jimmy's blood ran cold. The thought of what Pamela could say worrying him massively. Technically, they were still an 'item' from the last time they'd toured. They had only stopped sending letters a few days after Jimmy had met Angela.

Jimmy quickly ran over to catch up with Angela, who was still storming over to the bell-bottom clad girl. "Angela!" Jimmy called out. Angela whipped her head around. Her eyes were glossy, he hated lying to her. He just didn't think he'd see Pamela while he was here, let alone be in the same room.

"Jimmy, who is she?" Angela questioned once more. Jimmy's throat went dry, he felt as if he had betrayed her and he couldn't even get the words out. "She's just a groupie" Jimmy answered somewhat truthfully. "And I take it you slept with her?" Angela's voice was quiet and sad. She knew he had a lifestyle, she just didn't like to be reminded. Jimmy looked at his feet, like that of a child being told off by his mother. "More than that" He answered sadly. Not wanting to look up at her expression.

Suddenly a hand snaked around Jimmy's shoulder forcing him to look up, he turned and was met with a high voice and blood red nails. "Hey Babe" It was Pamela. She went in for a kiss, but thankfully Jimmy dodged it and looked to Angela.

If she wasn't angry before, she definitely was now.

Thanks for being patient! I hope you enjoy where this book is going. Sorry i've been inactive, please forgive me with this chaotic picture. :)


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