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Angela looked at the scene before her, Pamela's skinny arm wrapped around Jimmy. She scoffed lightly, waiting for Jimmy to say something, anything. "Jimmy?" Pamela looked confused that he hadn't returned her affection, she looked between the staring match Jimmy and Nagela seemed to be having. Angela couldn't stand another second in the dank room and made a beeline for the exit.

Jimmy watched her walk away, silently cursing to himself. Pamela tried again to reel him in with her bony hand. "Not now Pamela" Jimmy snapped his shoulder away from her grip and started to jog after Angela. He wasn't looking forward to having to explain the ins and outs of his and Pamela's past. But if it meant Angela would see be didn't want her, he was willing to do so.

"Angela!" Jimmy called out, searching around for any glimpse of her. He was now stood in the parking area, where all the transport for the band stays. He recognised Bonzo and Robert getting into a white limousine and headed straight for them, leaning into the rolled down window. "Jimmy? Thought you were heading back in the Royce?" Bonzo questioned. Jimmy darted his head around the interior of the car, searching for Angela. How could she have just gone like that?

"Can't find her, she met Pamela" Was all Jimmy said, but it was enough to make both Bonzo and Robert wince. "That's tough mate, maybe she's with Jonsey back at the hotel?" Robert proposed. Jimmy relaxed a bit, he knew how close the pair was, hoping she'd just gone home with him and wasn't wandering the streets somewhere. He quickly jumped into the limo with the rest of the guys, desperately trying to think of what he would say when he saw her.

"Tea? Coffee? Water?" Jonesy motioned to the array of items sat on top of the mini bar. "Water will suffice" Angela spoke solemnly and took a seat on the cheap hotel beds. "So, what happened?" Jonesy asked, perching himself on the edge of the bed, handing her a bottle of water.

Angela took a deep breath "Who's Pamela?" by the reaction the name had on John, she suspected she had been a prominent figure in Jimmy's past, unfortunately. "Was she there tonight?" Jonesy tone was quiet. Angela simply nodded and looked down at her fidgeting hands. "Were they in love?" Angela just came out with it, wanting to simply know what importance she was. John shook his head profusely, "No, not in love. Pamela was Jimmy's girlfriend last year while we toured the US" Angela nodded for him to continue, feeling a little deflated, she didn't even get to be jealous. Not like she was Jimmy's girlfriend anyways.

"Jimmy promised to keep in touch, he always does with his groupies. They'd only stopped speaking recently" Jonsey spoke the last part quietly. Angela felt empty. While Jimmy was flirting with her, he had a whole girlfriend living in America hanging on his every word. "Why do I always do this?" She huffed, lying back onto the bed. "Do what?" Jonesy quirked. "Fall for guys who are only in it to break my heart. Don't I deserve love?" She said sadly, trying to hide the cracking in her voice. "Angela, of course you do. Jimmy's just an arsehole sometimes, he's gotten better since having you around" Jonesy gave her a soft smile. "You really think?" She raised an eyebrow. "We all do Angela" he smiled and yelled her in for a friendly hug. Soon after, they were interrupted by a knock at the door and the all too familiar voice of a certain guitar player.

was getting too long so i've chopped it in two!

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