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Jimmy and Angela soon joined the rest of the gang in the lounge of the Starship. Both cheery and holding hands, they took a spot on the patterned sofa. Angela's eyes darted around the room; Robert was entertaining two girls that looked way too young to even be in the plane, let alone be talking to a grown man. Angela sighed at the sight of them giggling in their platform shoes.

"What's wrong love?" Jimmy's soft voice spoke into her ear, he had picked up on the furrow in her brow and was curious. "I feel sorry for those girls" Angela nodded towards them. Jimmy nodded his head in agreement, wanting to avoid time moping about Roberts groupies. "Ignore them love, soon we'll be in California" he places a soft kiss in her forehead, she smiled and it seemed all her prior thoughts vanished.

"I cant wait to go back, some of my best moments were spent there" Angela smiled and leaned into Jimmy's side, watching the window of the plane. "Tell me about them" Jimmy pulled her in under his shoulder. "I wouldn't want to bore you Jimmy" she laughed softly and twirled one of his ebony curls round her dainty finger. "You could never bore me Angela" he spoke seriously, Angela looked up to see his beautiful emeralds beaming down at her. "Me and my Mother would catch a bus down for the day in the early sixties. We'd go straight to the beach, I don't know why but it was just something we both loved, the water" Angela smiled thinking of the memories, and continued on with her story.

Jimmy watched her with awe she would get really into and he could see how happy it made her. Truly it made him happy. It felt odd to admit but, sitting there listening to this beautiful girl talk about a day at the beach was bringing Jimmy warmth inside. Angela truly was different to anyone he had met, she enjoyed the simpler things, unlike himself. Yet they formed such a connection, it even amazed him.

"-and when we got home we'd make the seashells into necklaces, my mother was so beautiful" she beamed at the thought of her Mother again, no sadness shown on her face. "Was?" Jimmy questioned quietly, as to not upset the girl. "On my twentieth, she passed away. It was in her sleep, that always puts me a bit at ease knowing she went painlessly" Angela tried to put on a smile, but Jimmy seemed to catch on to her false expression.

"I'm sorry Angela" he took her face in his hands and caressed her cheek. Angela sighed softly at the feeling. Jimmy was one of the first people to not treat her like some sad orphan as she told him, he was understanding. Secretly, Jimmy felt those three words wavering in his tongue, 'I love you' he had no idea where it had come from, but he was sure to push the words right back down. It was way too soon to him and he was scared of what it would mean. He kissed Angela once again and proceeded to watch as the girl drifted in and out of sleep. Eagerly waiting for California..

This chapter is so bad lol, I just thought i should add some character development as it seems Jimmy and Angela know nothing about eachother, I promise the drama is coming.

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