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Lia unnie gathers all of us towards the front of the class where Kurtis is standing ready to introduce himself to the class before he starts his set.  The girls and I go up a little bit closer this time, genuinely curious about this boy in front of us.

" I'd like to introduce myself before I start class with you guys. Annyeong Park Hajin imnida" he bows as he speak in fluent Korean.

Park Hajin? I thought his name was Kurtis? Wait Park... Kurtis Park? The name sounds so familiar...

"Some of you guys might know me as Kurtis Park, I used to be a choreographer for multiple showcases as well as agencies here in Korea. I took a Haitus for about a year that's why you probably have forgotten" he laughs and he rubs the back of his neck with his hands.

KURTIS PARK?! I think I heard some of my dancers fan girl and fan boy about him. But honestly I don't know much about it cause I've been so busy with idol things.

"Anyway for today I'll be teaching you guys a slightly different way of dancing from Scott's earlier. So long story short we're toning down the hype train and mellowing out with our emotions for my piece"

"Urban contemporary? This should be exciting" Momoring mumble through her mask.

"Daebak The Kurtis Park is teaching in front of us.. AND HES SO YOUNG" Lisa says as she suddenly raises her hand to ask a question.
Hajin or Kurtis or Hajin idk nods toward her directions.

"Uhmmm what do we call you sir and HOWOLDAREYOU" She exclaims, as we all anticipate our dance choreographers  answers.

"Please call me Hajin but if Kurtis slips out of your mouth I'll still react to it hahahaha also I'm a 96 liner soo I'm 20 years old this year or 22 in Korean terms"

Omg he's my age but he seems so successful already.

"Anywhooo let's get started yes? The song will be Paper Hearts by Tori kelly. Now I'm gonna be honest with you guys. I need you to tap into your emotions for this piece and really experience and feel the words that are being spoken, If you do that your body will flow more naturally when you start  dancing. I know it sounds hard but hey , we dance and practice till we get it right yeah?"

I've listened to that song before and it really is emotional. It's quite the heartbreak ballad and her voice fits the song so perfectly.  We make way as Hajin plays the song and gets ready to dance.


A lot of people see paper hearts as a heart break song. Shit I did too when I first heard it and danced to it. Initially I choreographed to it after breaking up with my ex ( hey go figure), But after all that's happened recently I see it in a different light and I hope the student here will be able to notice it.

I dedicate this to you and thanks again for everything.

(Choreography starts at 1:04)
🎶Everything looks grey under these skies...Hiding every cloud under a smile🎶
"Your mother was a beautiful woman and I hope you pull through this ordeal Hajin"

I smiled weakly as he places a flower over her casket " thank you so much for your concern and coming this far out for her funeral"

I look up into the murky clouds above

🎶 Pictures I'm living through for now trying to remember all the good times 🎶
"Eomma can we get some ice cream after school pleaseees"

"Okay sweetie but not much"

🎶 Memories are playing in my dull mind
I hate this part, paper hearts
And I'll hold a piece of yours
Don't think I would just forget about it🎶

I stand before her grave holding on to the will she poured her heart into near my chest as I say a final goodbye " rest easy now Eomma"

🎶 I live through pictures as if I was right there by your side
But you'll be good without me and if I could just give it some time
I'll be alright
Goodbye love, you flew right by love🎶

I place a picture frame of us together inside my bag before locking our old home up for good. My flight was in a couple hours and I made my way to the airport

I look out the window of the airplane and see the city of Seoul under . My new life waiting for me. I'll be alright Eomma.

I smile near the end of the dance and feel a small tear trickle down but I was fast enough to hide it from the dancers. (Not realizing that three girls saw it happen until in the future). I look around me and see that everyone was mesmerized by it and that was enough reason for me to keep doing what I'm doing. I tap Scott's shoulder as he comes out of the trance and walk over to Lia who was crying as she understood what I have gone through. Hearing her whisper " I'm proud of you Hajin"  i give her a smile and face the students again.

"Okay let's begin yes"


What just happened.. how did he do that. I let  out a breath of air I didn't know I was holding in as I visualize the way he presented himself. Every subtle movement from his toes to his fingers was so vivid so full of emotion. His story was different from what I imagined someone will dance to a heart break ballad. His didn't have the usual "Hey you're my ex and I miss you" vibe to it, there was a complete story  written in the background of the music. Sorrow and then bliss and finally acceptance . I don't know why but my heart ached the instant I saw him try to hide the tear that slipped from his auburn eyes. What is this feeling.

I'm crying, im actually crying because of his dance. I've been a fan for so long. Appreciating how far he's has gone . He didn't have any formal dance lessons or anything  and everything was done through his hard work and determination. When he disappeared for a year his followers were upset and thought he he fizzled out like most choreographers . I'm ashamed to say I thought that way as well but after seeing his rendition of paper hearts I can see that he got better. The movement and his expressions show a different side of dance I've never seen before . When he smiled my heart fell to my stomach and when the tear fell from his eyes my hearth clenched. What is this feeling.


Three words. It's was beautiful. I thought my six years of dancing made me an elite dancer and with the additional work I put in as an idol I kept my head high. But I don't know if I'll ever reach his level.. after watching his performance something inside me wanted something from him. Maybe I want to learn how to move like he does, express emotions like he does through dance. Or is it something else? Did I want something more? He tried to hide his tear last minute and I felt my own spill because of it. What is this feeling.

Now I dance for you (Male reader x Kpop girls)Where stories live. Discover now