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That felt great! The atmosphere of performing was so exhilarating, words couldn't describe how it felt. The breathlessness that I felt after dancing was a different kind of high, and the feeling of accomplishment was unavoidable when you see the cheering faces of the crowd.

What doesn't feel as great though is the bruising on my body getting worse after the performance. Because of the adrenaline I didn't feel much of the pain that was being projected to my brain. Unfortunately, to the after effect of losing all that adrenaline was the pain hitting me like a truck. It felt a lot harder to breathe because of the discomfort originating from my right side.

I made it about halfway out of the stage when I felt my knees give in, luckily the guys noticed how I was being careful with my right side after the performance and figured something was wrong , they caught me before I could fall. I did my best to stand and prop myself up by grabbing Anthony's shoulder but ended up collapsing . That's when everything turned black and I woke up in the medical room of the venue.

I tried to focus my vision and shielded my eyes from the fluorescent lights on the ceiling. I looked towards my right and saw Anthony slouched on the couch snoring with a magazine on his face.

"Yo you still breathing over there?" I ask, amused by his position.

Anthony suddenly sits up from the couch and looks towards the bed I'm currently at. He then gets up right away and gives me a death glare.

"W-what?" I gulped.

"You.Lied." Anthony says in a angry voice.

"Okay i didn't lie, I just didn't know it would hurt that much."

Anthony sighs and smacks my head.

"Ouch?! I'm injured !! How could you hit me?!"

"Exactly! YOURE INJURED, and you didn't tell us it was that bad. You danced with a bruised rib for Christ sake." Anthony sighs as he sits on the chair close to the bed.

"Oh shit I did?" I exclaim in shock.

"You idiot...it's your body, you should know what's wrong with it."

"I'm sorry... how long have I been out?" I asked embarrassed with myself.

"It's been about 2 hours. The competition ended just a half an hour ago."

"Oh man, I should go apologize to the staff and everyone else for causing such a fuss.." I said dejectedly. I didn't mean to make a huge deal with me passing out and all, I just wanted to dance but I guess I gotta deal with the consequences.

"Oh don't worry about that, we made a statement right after you passed out. A clip of the live earlier as well as you passing out has been circulating throughout social media. A majority of your so called stans are sending you their regards and wishing you to get better soon."

"Stans? What's that?"

"I have no clue, I thought you would know dude. Anyways Lia has been blowing up my phone ever since , asking for an update."
He then shows the amount of Phone calls he answered and missed from Lia alone. Wow. 15? Really?

"You should probably talk to her yourself bud. I'll go and let the medical personnel know you're awake so make the call." Anthony then walks out of the room after handing me my phone.

I realized that I have received multiple notifications from my social media platforms. A majority from Korean fans I have recently garnered due to BTS, asking if I was okay and such.

I scroll through my phone until I come across Lia noona's contact and took a real deep breath, mentally preparing myself from the unstoppable scolding I'm about to receive. I pressed call.

Now I dance for you (Male reader x Kpop girls)Where stories live. Discover now