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3rd person POV

Twice bid their goodbye to the trio and head out of the restaurant.

"So Hajin are you going to Arena too?" Rie asks while wrapping a piece of pork with lettuce and then feeding it to Hajin. He opens his mouth and takes a big bite, "mhhhm" he hummed, nodding his head trying his best to chew his food before speaking.

" I plan to leave in the next couple of weeks for it so I actually want to choreograph the dance for BTS and teach them before they leave for BILLBOARD."

"Who would have thought they would make it this far? Their achievements in the industry really makes me feel proud to be Korean." Lia adds.

"Yeah the boys have been working super hard, I'll make sure to introduce you next time One-san"

" Don't worry about it too much Hajin, I'm sure we'll meet eventually." Rie mentions as she stands and straightens her clothes up.

"I think we should get going as well, it's becoming late and I have to fly out tmrw morning, uhg I'm regretting getting that early flight now."

The three say their thanks to the ahjuma after paying and then part ways. Hajin was walking towards his studio when he decided to drop by Han River. It was along the way and he wasn't really tired so looking at the lights as they reflect  across the water was quite the sight.

The nights air ruffling leaves, the sound of water flowing and the hum of the street lamps as they illuminate the night made him feel serene. The peace and quiet a complete contrast from the music that constantly plays in his studio. He pulls  his mask up and tucks his hands in his pocket as he strolls along, enjoying the view when a persons silhouette caught his attention.

It was pretty late out and there were barely anyone who goes down the path he was currently taking. He stumbled across it accidentally when he got lost but ended up going to it every time afterwards. Near the end of the path was a old patio by the riverbed, It was quite secluded but it had a breathtaking view of Banpo bridge. Hajin was a bit suprised there were others here and didn't want to bother them so he shrugged his shoulder and was ready to turn around.

He stopped when he heard the person crying, and quite hard as well. Hajin felt like it wasn't his place to try and help but he knew very well that company when you're sad made a difference. He walked towards the bench and saw a woman crying with her hands on her face.

"Uhm excuse me, but are you alright?"
He asked.

The woman was startled by Hajins voice and screamed as she jumped up from the bench she was currently sitting on.

"Ah I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you like that." Hajin said as sincere as possible with his hands up. The one thing he didn't want was the lady thinking he was a creep.

"I-It's Alright... I-I'm sorry for screaming.." the woman says as she tried her best to stop the tears from impairing  her voice. She bowed to Hajin.

"That's alright Miss, uhm I couldn't help but notice you crying and I just wanted to see if you were doing alright. I don't mean to pry into your business but I'm sure a little company wouldn't hurt?" Hajin explains as he approaches the woman again.

He took a seat on the other end of the bench, making sure to give the woman the space she needed. She nods her head and sits back down facing the view.

They both kept quite, watching the water and lights from Banpo bridge. The woman then starts to cry again silently.

"I don't know if I can really handle the pressure. Ive been working so hard over the years focusing on my career and my craft , it was what I dreamed of...but now that it's so close to happening I'm scared. I feel like I lack a lot of things and that I won't meet the expectations that were set for me." She said with tears glistening in her eyes.

Now I dance for you (Male reader x Kpop girls)Where stories live. Discover now