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3rd POV

The rain started to fall heavier as Hajin and Chungha ran to the studio. They were quite soaked when they made it inside, chungha shaking from the cold.

Hajin opens the lights and runs to his office, He grabs a spare shirt, a hoodie, sweatpants and a towel from his emergency closet.

"Here Noona the shirt and pants are brand new so you can use them and this is my hoodie so you can stay warm. The washroom is inside my office so you can get yourself out of those wet clothes and change."

"O-Oh no I-Im okay you d-don't have to give me these I'm sure I'll I'll dry up at some point." She said her teeth chattering from the cold.

"Noona youre gonna get sick! Just go I'll stay out here until you finish. There's a shower in the washroom so make yourself at home or studio ahha ."

"I'm fine really, hey wait, okay okay I'm going wait." Chungha tried to stand firm but was pushed into the office by Hajin.

"Go or I'll kick you out into the rain again." Hajin adds as he gives her a evil smirk.

"I'm going.... thank you Hajin..." she says behind the washroom door, hiding half of her face so that Hajin won't notice the tint of pink on her cheeks.

Hajin gives her a thumbs up and steps out of the office with an extra towel drying his hair. He closes the door and walks towards the small sink and fridge at the corner of the room. He looks through the cupboards looking for anything to heat themselves up.

"Dope, I still have some instant ramen left over, let's make that heheh" he says, as he rummages through the cupboard grabbing a pot, a burner and some instant noodles. He opens the fridge and grabbed some eggs he bought earlier and some kimchi. He places all of the stuff in the middle of the studio, the burner stove and ingredients on top of a simple table. Hajin slides towards the other corner of the studio and grabs some cushions for them to sit on.

"Alrighty this looks good. Just gotta wait for Chungha Noona to finish up and then we'll make it together." He says as he stands up with both hands on his waist , acknowledging his quick work and how well he set it up.

The office door opens catching Hajins attention, as Chungha peeks her head out from the room. She steps out looking left and right as she admires the aesthetic of the simple studio.

"Watcha think? It's a pretty cool place right? This is where I live and breathe other than my apartment. And you're the first to visit other than Lia!" Hajin proudly states as he gestured his hands outwards.

"It's very nice! Homey even. You struck gold Hajin. But am I really the first to visit?"

"Yeah, I've only had it for a couple months and a majority of the the times I was away for work so I haven't been able to use it as much as I want."

Chungha hums in acknowledgement as she walks around the place. Hajin starts to boil some water in a pot and calls her over.

"I know it's not much Chungha noona but this should warm us up and fill our stomachs."

"Oh.. I'm supposed to be on a diet.. *slurp*
I prob shouldn't *slurp* have some..." she says trying her best to keep her mouth from watering. Hajin laughs at her attempt earning him a glare from the latter.

"It's just for tonight hahah and Its to prevent you from getting sick so we're justified."

"I guess ..it will help keep me away from catching a cold."

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