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"Uh is this the right apartment?"
I say outloud as I stare at my once clean apartment. Okay maybe not so clean considering I threw glass all over the place before I left, but I was pretty sure I didn't make THAT much mess. I do a double take and check the number on the door and the keys I had just to make sure.

"I guess it is mine... but what happened here..."
I walk inside and see at least 5 pairs of shoes that aren't mine so I'm on full alert as I made my way inside. I don't know if I said this before but I'm kind of a clean freak, and to say that I almost passed out because of the mess is not that far off. There were bottles all over the counters in the kitchen and living room , there's even some on the stairs. Both Finished and untouched food were taking up all the table space with dirty dishes piling up on the kitchen sink.

The living room can only be called a war zone as the cushions were all taken out, throw pillows littered the floor, and blankets were tied around the whole room.

"Wtf... is that a Fort?" I say as I see a blanket made fort in the middle. 4 chairs facing outwards held the blanket in place as it was draped over layers of pillows and cushions. Did I even have this many blankets? Anyways I tiptoed my way to it and saw 4 adorable cuties snuggled up all together.

"Ah jeez so it was just them" I chuckled as I see Lisa, Momo, Irene and Lia sleeping soundly next to each other. Lisa was hugging Momo like a big spoon, Momo returning the hug as they both slept. Lia noona was all the way on the edge... upside down as she snores.. and the weirdest was Joohyun right in the middle sleeping with her hands crossed across her chest like a vampire. A beautiful vampire for sure. I take a quick picture with my phone making sure the flash was off.

"This is a keeper hahah" I say as I tip toe my way back to the kitchen as quietly as possible. It was still pretty early and seeing the amount of drinks they had I don't think they would wake up anytime soon so I will take care of the clean up. After an hour or so the kitchen was all done but I felt a bit tired, well I guess I did come from the hospital so I wasn't really surprised. I climb up the stairs with droopy eyes and place my stuff on the bedside table as I sat on the edge of the bed. I lay down on one side and close my eyes and as I began to make my way to dream land I felt the bed shift a bit. A comfortable feeling overcame me as I felt a warm embrace, and finally fell asleep.


The blanket fort collapsed. A collective groan echoes within the living room as the 4 girls unwillingly open their eyes one by one. Irene sits up first as she caresses the side of her head and whimpers as she felt the hangover from last night.

"Did we really go that hard?" Irene asks as she shifts her gaze to the oldest. Lia rolls to the side and stares at the ceiling as she tries to reactivate her brain.

"I do not compute... I think I'm getting way too old for this, I can't even handle my liquor anymore.." Lia complained as she tries to stand up.

"Mmmgggggggghmmmahhhhhhhh" Gibberish come out of Momos mouth as she stretches her arms outwards and then smiles beautifully.

"Good morning unnies! Did you sleep well?" Momo says as she literally shines in the morning.

"Oh god you're too bright" Irene covers her eyes and squints dramatically.

"HISSSS tone it down sunshine." Lia says as she pretends to hiss at the Japanese idol.

"Sorry haha" Momo answers back as she gives her unnies a goofy smile.

"Where's Lisa at?"

"Over there under the collapsed fort."

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