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monday 8:27 am 
i woke up with you on my mind you called me babe last night - my heart is still pounding.

tuesday 10:53 pm 
today i realised we won't work. what we are is hurting her. and i think she matters more to me than you do. 

wednesday 11:52 pm
i broke things off with you today.she barely said a word. i've never regretted anything more than this.

thursday 4:03 pm
i shouldn't have sent that message. you shouldn't have been so okay with receiving it. 

friday 9:57pm 
i almost messaged you today. i didn't.

saturday 8:49 pm
i'm walking around town in search of alcohol. they say that liquor numbs the pain of having a broken heart. i want to put that to the test. 

sunday 2:32 am
i heard you texted a girl you've never spoken to before. i wonder if it's because you're trying to replace me. i can't help but wish you weren't. i thought i was irreplaceable.

[ song ; lie - nf  ]

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