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shout out to the kids who know the answer but won't raise their hands in a class because they have never been encouraged to participate and be wrong.

shout out to the kids who doodle on their maths textbooks or make up excuses about swimming or other physical activities because they are deeply uncomfortable with their bodies.

shout out to the kids who tell themselves they aren't hungry because they get bullied in cafeterias or are ignored at the altar of popularity shticks.

shout out to the kids who are not now, nor ever will be "cool" because of their trauma but are trying to be kind and soft even though no form of hegemonic, warped advertising is selling these fundamental qualities as relevant or important for survival.

shout out to the kids who had to break themselves open just so someone could say how badly they were hurting.

shout out to the kids who have to engage in psychological "drama" because they were abused and that is the best coping mechanism they have known.

shout out to the kids who fight falling off the wagon frequently, who don't want to go to therapy sometimes, who hate the meds, who feel unworthy of love or companionship because they were always told they were incapable of receiving and giving affection.

shout out to the kids who have had to begin building their own world by their own hands from as far long as they can remember.

shout out to the kids who are still angry about who harmed us years ago.

shout out to the kids who are tired but trying. every single day. you are alright. your recovery is valid. you are allowed to fail without having your humanity questioned.

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