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and if one day she doesn't want to get out of bed don't try to convince her to do so, instead open the window of the room and let the freshness of the day enter inside, make her hot tea and kiss her endlessly.

and if one day she sits on the ground crying her heart out, don't wash the tears away and don't tell her everything will be okay, instead hold her tight and let her cry into you until she stops. then see how she will smile at you as if she is saying "thank you for being here, it is enough."

and if one day she pushes you away telling you to leave her alone, god never leave her instead hug her tighter and tell her you will always be there.

and if one day she won't say a single word, don't ask her million of questions, instead let the silence fill the room until she comes at you and kisses your lips slowly.

and if one day she is angry don't yell at her, instead let her push you away until she kisses you with passion and anger, let yourself into her fingerprints.

and if she tells you she loves you, tell her you love her more, even though deep down you know she does. she loves you more.

but on god be good for her, make efforts to always stay and to never let her go. 

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