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a letter to my body

dear heart, why do you feel heavier and heavier in my chest everyday? 

dear ribs, you. you are doing a terrible job of keeping heart caged in. stop letting it out to sit on my sleeve. 

dear lungs, is the moon really that beautiful, that it takes your breath away? 

dear mouth, i don't remember what you look like when you're smiling. 

dear eyes, stop looking for boys who can't love you back. i'm tired of falling for them. 

dear knees, stop buckling when eyes see boys that can't love you back. 

dear head, please stop pounding—i can't hear anything over these tsunami tides crashing against my skull. 

dear hands, stop shaking. stop shaking. stop shaking. stop shaking. 

dear heart, i know you are only held together by super glue and loose strings but please. don't fall apart on me.

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