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ten things every girl needs to know:

1. other people are not going to save you, especially not boys. you will have to save yourself, no matter how much blood you spit out in the process.

2. he's going to tell you it's forever, and that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you only to break up with you two weeks later. it's not your fault. he's young and doesn't know what he wants. don't blame yourself.

3. if he doesn't react when you tell him you're sad, he's not the one. plain and simple.

4. sadness and helplessness are not beautiful or desirable. you're wasting your time waiting for a boy to come along and fix you. he's not coming.

5. what other people think about you does not matter. you have people who love you, and that should be enough. stop letting people who don't know you define what you think about yourself.

6. you don't get to treat him badly and then cry when he leaves. you're not allowed to miss him if you didn't do anything to keep him.

7. you need to know and love yourself before you fall in love, because if you don't the love won't last and your heart will end up broken. talent and independence attract the type of love that lasts.

8. learn when to say "fuck it, i give up." this way, you get out of situations and relationships that are toxic to you and your happiness.

9. you cannot let other people hurt you because you're afraid to hurt them back. you have to stand up for yourself. there is a way to do this without hurting others or making it worse for yourself.

10. your happiness always comes first.

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