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ten things i want to do before i commit suicide:

1. run into the middle of a field and scream into the sky, looking for someone to finally listen. 

2. learn how to say "breathe" in every language in hopes that i will find one that i finally understand.

3. learn how to go to the movies alone. learn how to have a conversation with myself. learn how to be my own best friend. 

4. finally commit to my relationship with happiness. stay the morning. cook them breakfast. tear up all the notes i left on their pillow about how it just wasn't working anymore. 

5. climb the tallest mountain. have dinner with the moon. close my mouth for once, and finally listen to everything she has to say.

6. this list is not finished, because neither am i. i have spent ten years of my life planning how to end it, and i have finally realised—it is only just beginning.

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