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Dedicated to suryakavi0912

Special mention nickysweetangel ( You are the first person who encourage me to write)

my dear unitysuperior(I miss you ekta)

@ _Ahankara_,@candyfanfiction,@Swasaniarshi, Bhavs0005,@Arshi_Angel, @MistyDey, dikshamoorty,vibinna,@AryaARshi, penbegungor1,PearlOfPacific,kattyarshi,Priya_siva,Kiddo_Star,Ninishta_B,@MrsASR, SujzWriter,idonthaveaanyidea,AnonymousMe91,Garimasrivasatava,unitysuperior,ankitha21,


I still remember the day I met her. It was raining heavily, while cursing my fate I was stuck in a car with my beer bottle and with my so called friends. My drunken eyes met with her drenched body but my heart skip a beat seeing her hazel orbs.

But I Hated her...why? I thought she was someone who slept around with men just for money. I couldn't say that I was much more innocent though, for I thrived to sleep with girls, You could call me a player. I didn't have enough fingers for the number of girls I had slept with. But I was the Heartthrob of the college, I was the heir of a richest business family of India, So, I can Do anything as I wish , Right?? Right.......

BUT who was she, An Orphan..huh..Despite all of this, there was something about her that drew me to her, something I didn't like. I hated the feeling, I just wanted it to go away. The more I tried to get rid of her though, the closer and closer she came to me. How dare she, How dare she to distract me, how dare she to get in my mind without any effort of her? most importantly how dare she to Reject me..

So, I make a marvelous plan..A devilish web of lie, to destroy her.

Eventually, she came so close that I didn't want her to leave anymore...I never admitted though but I find myself drawn towards her, The day I thought to capture her forever in my life, was the day I lost her for Forever..

I did a SIN...but she took the burn, She was my solace but I was her Destroyer.

The Universe took her away from me. It didn't just snatch her from me, it snatched my sanity too, my heart, my emotions, everything.

Now I am a beggar, despite having millions.I have everything, but I didn't have her. Therefore, I have nothing, for she was my everything. Does that even make sense? Everything meant a luxurious life right? Then when had the definition of everything changed to HAPPINESS ? when did the definition of solace changed to the only girl whom I had destroyed mercilessly? When had my heart stopped beating for the sake of living, but had started beating for someone else? Did living mean to love another?

She came as a blessing into my life but I become the curse of her life, and eventually she left. It was a full circle, I should have known.

Now I am here in the Golden cage of my luxurious life. Living like a criminal, but What was my crime? oh yes... I remember..I destroyed the only ray of light in my dark life in my bare hand, with an amazing plan..I myself Killed her soul, snatched her dignity crushed her heart.. and Now for last Six years, I am searching her.. searching to get a single glimpse of her.. I need to see her, otherwise I will not be able to die...Did you by any chance meet her?? oh.. silly me, How could you... How could you know my girls's name.. Let me introduce her.. She is Khushi, my Khushi, Mery Jaan.. Khushi Kumari Gupta..

OH ho... I forgot to Introduce myself, I am ASR, naam to suna hi hoga. The one and only ASR, world's number one fashion designer and business tycoon... But I am my Khushi's Arnav...

Want to know about My Khushi ?? But on one condition, will you all help me to search My khushi?? Its a long story, But I guarantee, you will be thrilled. so, welcome to our Journey..

With Love,
Arnav Singh Raizada




For the last 2 years, I am a hardcore reader in this platform..and still I am.. But This is my first ever try to write something on wattpad...yes, I am nervous, very very nervous but excited too...

I welcome you all to my first piece of writing, any kind of criticism is welcome but please no bashing... English is not my first language, so I surrender here... Mistakes can happen..

Egerly Waiting for your review ....Tell me will I continue or not..




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