Chapter 35 : Silent Whisper

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Dedicated to sonikudigujju, niranjana15, Mehakshakir, EstherGameli3, Ananya_malik,

Barun4ever, atom_brown_eyes, Barunz4ever, elieli-lid, SuppMudi, vgshah12,

and to all my readers, followers and friends....

Chapter 35 : Silent Whisper

" Whisper sweet nothings in my ears,

And I will listen them like my favourite song..."

~ Geet...

Early Morning...

Around 5:30 a.m.

Guest Room..

RM ..

Khushi was confused why suddenly Payal wants to talk with her and specially about Arnav. What is there to talk? Or Payal is here to accuse her for the stunt which she had just took yesterday in Fashion show... But Payal's intensions become clear by her next statement.

"Do you know Khushi , because of Arnav me and Akash are together today..Actually I met with Akash when Arnav was hospitalized, precisely when he was in coma..." Payal said making Khushi froze in her place...

" COMA?? I mean Coma?? Why? Did his sugar lever fall or diabetes become too worse? When all that happen? I MEAN.. I..." Khushi suddenly stop sensing that she has spoken too much and feels uncomfortable the way Payal was watching her, as if she is not in front of Payal but a scrutinizing instrument.

There was a silence, Khushi was uncomfortable and restless but Payal was cool as ocean.

" You have asked so many questions .. Let me answer you one by one." Payal said softly and Khushi become surprise seeing the rare smile of Payal face. She always felt that Payal don't like her but today at this moment Payal's gesture is quite different.

"No it was not because of any medical condition but yes, his diabetes and drug addiction surely worsen the condition and had prolongated the hospitalization but the reason was entirely different." Payal said very calmly.

" What.. What was that?" Khushi whispered while her heart was drumming like anything. A certain kind of uneasiness and restlessness was slowly engulfing her. Khushi was sure whatever Payal will tell that will again shook her life.

" Look Khushi, first of all , you have to promise me that you will listen till the end . I will not say that you have to believe me, but just listen to me." Payal paused a little and then taking a deep breath she continued,

" 6 years before, the day on your birthday, Arnav humiliated you publicly.. and you were shattered. Almost that very moment Nk had reached Harvard to bring back Arnav to India because Mr Mathur was dead. But before coming back to India Arnav searched for you but could not able to trace you. Instead he met with your friends of cultural group and from then he came to know that the picture of your's and Daksh's which he had received day before were nothing but the promotional picture of your drama.. and Arnav was surprised to know that everyone believed that he is your boyfriend, that everyone knew how much you loves Arnav... Arnav was shocked and guilt ridden. Before he could proceed further he came back to India..."

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