Chapter 49 : Achingly In Love 2

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Happy Durga Puja to all my friends, readers and follower... Hope with the blessing of Durga Maa, the darkness will disappear soon...



Happy Birthday Dearest Hubby... I know you may not read this chapter, as you will be busy taking care of your patients... But I remember and recall few moments of us while writing this chapter...

Happy Birthday Once again...Stay safe..


Not Proofread ..Ignore the mistakes..


Chapter 49: Achingly In Love 2

"I loved her not for the way she danced with my angels, but for the way the sound of her name could silence my demons"

~ Chirstopher Poindexter via (SoulBraille)



Morning 11 a.m.

Arnav's Cabin..

Arnav looked his wristwatch with a grumpy face. He was waiting for his girlfriend for last 30minutes till she came to office but Madam was so busy to even pay a visit to him.. Arnav's mood was a little bit off as early morning after getting ready for office, when he came to pick up Khushi from Aman and Kuhu's apartment, he came to know that Khushi already left taking a cab.. He was mad but still he controlled himself.. Arnav vowed that he will not affect their relationship with his over possessiveness this time..

But alas.. His poor heart does not listen to him nowadays and besides, his girlfriend, Khushi is also hell bent to test his patience.. Finally unable to take it anymore, Arnav decide to pay a visit to his girlfriend's cabin but a knock on his cabin door halted him in his place.. To his surprise, Arnav saw his dearest girlfriend was standing with a broad smile on her face..

" Hi.. Arnav, you were looking for me?" Khushi asked with her ever so smiling face.

" Hi..." Arnav smiled while his heart leapt up with joy but then he remembered that he is SUPPOSED to be angry on her, so the great ASR just looked away from his girlfriend and TRIED HARD to remain in his stand when Khushi come close to him and asked again, " Arnav.. What? Why are you not talking to me?"

" Because I am angry with you.. You did not wait for me, you took a cab after my so many protest and now you were here in AR for last 45 minutes but decide to grace yourself now.. So, I am angry on you for your ignorance.." Arnav said while making a pout.. Khushi could not help but pulled his cheek and then placed a soft kiss on his cheek.. Arnav was initially shocked but soon he holds Khushi's wrist yank her close to him..

Arnav slowly turn Khushi around and now they are facing each other.. " You know Khush, you are very unromantic girlfriend.. You still don't know how to pacify your boyfriend, I mean your actual boyfriend, not that little Advay Mathur, who will be happy with your sloppy peck on his cheek." Arnav said with glint of possessiveness in his eyes remembering the way Advay was getting pampered by his Khushi.

" So, is that jealousy I am sensing? Are you now jealous of Adu baby, Arnav?" Khushi asked with a teasing smile..

" I will always be jealous if you pay your attention to anyone more than me, My dearest girlfriend.. You should remember that you have a possessive boyfriend.." Arnav said while caressing Khushi's forearm slowly yet sensually creating havoc in her sense.

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