CHAPTER 10 : Because I Love you Dammit !!!

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Dedicated toVeenuDhawan,Karthika2008,AminaTaliep3,SudhaTammana,florK2D



(for all the love you showered in this FF, thanks...)

and suryakavi0912, ( for always guiding me in this new journey) 

and all my lovely readers and friends.....

Chapter 10 : Because I Love You Dammit !!

" The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, Not Knowing how blind that was...

Lovers don't finally meet somewhere.

They are in each other all along.

What you seek is seeking you."

~ Rumi


Six years and few months before...

XYZ Bar...


Next Day Night ...

Day 10...

Sheetal Pov...

It's already 10 days gone. Only 5 more days and I will again win, I will again snatch everything from that chit of a girl, Khushi....

11 years back, my mother and I had snatched everything from her and now again, history will repeat...I never thought I will met Khushi again in my life face to face but seems our fate wants that..

I pity her, poor girl, suffering since she was 8 years old...Ha.. ha...I still remember that day when my mother crushed every damn thing which was once dear to her and made her shelter less..Her mother attempt suicide but failed and send to mental hospital, and she was forced to live as a orphan...ohh...that old lady, her buaji is there to take care of her but the void my mother created in her heart snatching her parents years ago is still fresh. I will just dig the old wound and make it so worse that she would never raise her head again, she will be finish...

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