Chapter 32 : Revelations

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Dedicated to Chanduz teenager_scribbles, user23549805, nivinishi, penbengungor1,

and to all my readers and friends....

Chapter 32 : Revelations

" I learned that courage was not the absence of fear,

But the triumph over it.

The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid,

But he who conquers that fear."

~ Nelson Mandela...

Next Day...

Early Morning...

Around 4 a.m.

Delhi Highway ..

45 missed call, 12 messages....

Arnav closed his eyes, it's his fault. He knew how much today's incident has an impact on his family, still he forgot everything..Arnav wonder how easily Khushi has stolen his all attention like always..

As he guessed, his overflowing message box indicates, calls from everyone of his family. Well almost everyone, except his mother... Payal, Aman, Shyam and Manohor dialed multiple times and as expected, majority of messages are from either Payal or Aman.

Arnav sigh a little, he have to have a face to face conversation with his sister-in-law cum therapist Payal. He can sense that Payal is not at all fond of Khushi and after today's incident, God forbid, there is a high chance that Payal will spat on Khushi in no time.

Breaking Arnav's thought his phone again rang indicating an incoming call. Aman's name flashed on it and Arnav received it immediately, "Where are you Arnav?" Aman anxious voice reached his ears and instantly Arnav's eyes pricked with unshed tears. he had missed this concern of his best friend. It's been years, his bestie had addressed him as " Arnav"... will his life take a new turn from now on? Will he get a second chance to life? Arnav is scared to dream, but his heart already waved a dream of getting a chance from his life ( Khushi) and his lifeline ( Aman) , once again...

" I will reach soon. Is everyone awake still? Are you at RM?" Arnav asked in a row.

" Yes, how did you expect that everyone will sleep selling horses after today's incident? You idiot, come soon. And be prepare, you have to explain a lot today." Aman said.

" I know.. and I will answer everyone's every quarry, and by the way, you will be there na?" Arnav asked wiping the happy tears which escaped unknowingly.

There was a pregnant silence after that, Arnav thought Aman has cut off the call and he cursed himself being so impatient. But his heart danced in joy hearing the next reply of Aman Mathur, " I was always with was you, who left me, it was you who broke US ..."

" Sorry...I know, there is no repentance of my deed which I did with you or whatever I said that day.. But..I want a chance Aman.. Can you please, forgive me?" Arnav asked while tears started forming his eyes once again and his voice choked with unnamed emotions.

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