CHAPTER 13 : Welcome Back ASR (Part- 1)

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Dedicated tostrings_of_fate4321 manmathmoharana,EkaV01,ilfordian,ranogill,RaginiKumari4,


@BSraizada, SusanThomas1,araizadak,sreemukhee,@SudhaTammana, LionBee16,

and all my lovely readers and friends...

Chapter 13 : Welcome Back ASR (Part -1)

" The problem with revenge is that it never evens the score. It ties both the injured and the injurer to an escalator of pain. Both are stuck on the escalator as long as parity is demanded, and the escalator never stops "

~ Lewis B. Smedes

Present Day..


Two women had just gotten off from the train and headed toward the street to get a Taxi. One of them signaled her hand to get one and luckily they had gotten a taxi a few minutes later. As they told the driver where to go and he soon enough began to fill the back seat of the car with her heavy luggage.

Lavanya sighed as she began to get seated and thought of the destination she was headed towards at the moment. She remembered how she came to know about Khushi and her relation with the Raizada.. Lavanya looked at her side, Khushi was looking out from the window.. but her silent is speaking volume..

Lavanya knew Khushi had lot of questions and probably, she had already suspected something about the trip..once she thought she will tell NK to stop all this but thinking about Khushi, she let it be continued..Yes, Khushi is in pain, she is hurt and she doesn't want to face her past but there is no other way around to bring her back from the whirlpool of pain and misery which she was suffering from last six years.. And it's time to end it... While living with Khushi for last few years, one thing Lavanya was sure about that " her destroyer is her savior only"... Arnav Singh Raizada...and this is high time Khushi should face it...

Khushi was in deep thought, thinking about her life in last six years ...She tried every bit to overcome the pain, to forget the memory of her bitter past, specially she tried to forget him with her every will power...the more she tried, she more she failed..Then finally she agreed upon the fact she is doomed, doomed for life time... There is no remedy for her scar to heal...She has to live her life with the bitter yet sweet memory of HIM... how much she wants but she can not deny the fact that, the few days she spent with HIM were the best days of her life till date...she had laughed, cried, fought, enjoyed every bit of those days...Those days were the golden period of her life.. Above all, she had live her life in true sense in those few countable days...with HIM... for HIM... for Arnav Singh Raizada .... She still can remember their first kiss...can feel the essence of his rough lips on her soft one..his Touch, his care, his protectiveness, and his vulnerable eyes...All were portrayed in her mind, engraved in her heart ...She did not regret that night... did she?? Never... That was the only night he was so close to her, he was holding her in his strong protective arms, for that night Arnav was her, only her, solely Khushi's ....

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