Chapter 39 : In My Heart

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Chapter 39 : In My Heart

"Heavy Hearts, like heavy clouds in the sky, are best relieved by the letting of a little water.."

~ Christopher Morley...



Around 5 p.m.

Khushi's new apartment

Khushi stretched her hands and thought to take a quick nap but when her wished had fulfilled at first place..


So, the doorbell rang making Khushi groan in annoyance.. stretching her lethargic body, Khushi went to the main door and open it. The moment her eyes catches the unexpected visitor her sleepy, tired eyes flew open...

" You... What are you doing here Arnav?" Khushi asked looking at Arnav who was standing at her doorstep.

" Ohh.. I... I just came..." Arnav said stammering a little.

" Yaa.. that I can see...I am not blind you know.. I am asking why you came here?" Khushi asked with tight lipped clearly annoyed by Arnav's unannounced appearance.

But instead of answering, Arnav just pushed Khushi sideway gently and entered into the apartment saying, " You should let me in first... It's rude to make your guest stand in front of your house.. It's bad manner, you know."

Khushi's jaw drop and her mouth framed a perfect 'o'.. The guts of the boy.. How dare he.. Before Khushi forms a fitted reply she saw that Arnav had royally sitted in the small sofa and looking at the apartment intently as if he owns it.

That arrogant jerk... Khushi murmured mentally but to her bad luck, Arnav listened it clearly and replied with a grin, "Thank you for the compliment."

"Did you hit your head somewhere? Why are you talking like this? Please, I am very tired... just leave.." Khushi said irritated.

" That's why I am here. I will help you to arrange.." Arnav said calmly.

" I never knew that the world famous fashion designer has become a certified interior designer?" Khushi said sarcastically but it seems Arnav did not get affected.

Instead Arnav came closer to Khushi with long stride and whisper in her ears, " it's a secret talent.. and I prefer this to show only to MY LADY..."

Khushi starlet hearing his words.. She felt her face flushed but also anger surged into her " Arnav.. don't you dare to flirt with me.. I am not your girlfriend or wife... JUST LEAVE.."

Arnav raised up his hand in surrender.., " Sorry.. sorry... my mistake.. But truly I want to know, do you need any help?"

" No.. Thanks for asking." Khushi said controlling her conflicting emotions. She felt warm that Arnav came, but was also irritated at the same time that her heart is acting opposite of her strong determined mind.

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