CHAPTER 9 : When Darkness Meets Lights

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dedicated to suryakavi0912(for always being there for me)

Ananya_malik,BSRaizada,KrinaCuty,Penbengungor1,ranogill (for your constant support)

And all my lovely readers and friends.....

Chapter 9 : When Darkness Meets Lights

" I am not just falling in love with you, I am falling into you. You are an ocean and I am falling in, drowning in the depths of who you are."

~ Anonymous 

Present Day ......

Morning at 8 a.m....


Dinning Hall...

Arnav Singh Raizada was having his breakfast with the entire family after so long. A silence prevailed in the dining hall. Clearing his throat suddenly Arnav spoke, no one to particular, " I need to go to London for our new project for one week. My flight is after few hours." Without expecting any response he slowly get up from his chair, but his steps halted hearing his Nani's voice, " Take care Chotey".. nodding his head slightly Arnav slowly exited from the door.

" Why you sent him away dad, when you know Khushi is coming tomorrow?" After he went out Akash asked his father Arvind as the question was nagging him for long when he came to know about the settlement to send Arnav away for one week..

" Because Khushi is coming.." Shyam replied but seeing Akash's confused state he clarified, " If Khushi face Arnav on her first day here, may be she will run away again , actually we don't know how she is now... We want Khushi to settle down first so that when both of them come face to face, it did not comes out as disasters." Akash finally nodded in agreement.

" Is he ... going alone?" How much she tries, but the mother inside her still craves for her chotey... So, no one was surprised hearing the concern of Ratna's for Arnav, " No, Badi maa, Naanav is not going alone, his PA will accompany him, Aman bhai will be there. And the best part is, Kuhu Bhabi and Advay will stay with us for the coming next week... Finally Aman Bhai agreed...." NK replied with a huge grin on his face..

The face of every occupant was twinkle like fairy lights..But Sneha jumps from her seat, "Adu will be here?? Staying with me ? I can play with him all the day?" Clapping her hands Sneha just twirled, before she do something more, Shyam took her in his lap and started to feed her, "Yes, and for that you need to finish the breakfast first."

Everyone looked at the father daughter due admiring their bond, it seems another Arvind and Anjali are here...The happiness of every face indicates that indeed, Khushi is coming their life... again...



Six years and few months before...

Few meter away from Harvard University Campus...


One Day later...

Day 7....

Khushi's Pov...

I look at the bedside clock, it's 6: 30 a.m. as I guessed, another day just about to begin,. I can not believe this is happening to me, last night almost 1 a.m., Arnav drop me at my hostel but did not left me in peace afterwards. 20 minutes later when he reached his apartment he called me to say that he had safely landed there and asked me if I am alright or not, and the call continues like that. I could not remember when I fall asleep last night while talking to Arnav. Now after hearing the irritating door bell, I open my eyes only to find that I am still holding my phone in hand. And there is 38 missed call and 73 unread messages. There is no prize to guess who has sent the messages and called. It's none other than Mr. Smart Singh Raizada. And about his messages....please don't ask... if you want to send a person in coma, you can forward the person those messages.. like, " what the", "damn it", " Tum thik ho", "hummm", " are you ok?", " why are you silent?", but the most intelligent message till date is, Arnav asking me at 3 a.m. in the midnight, " why are you sleeping?" ...can you believe it?? Hei Devi Maiyaa... ab kya karu? He is not only a Rakshas but Pagal too..

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