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My life really went to hell after my farthers death. I moved to a shitty rundown town as its all I could afford on my garbage sallery.
Though I was lucky to even get the little I had. After quirks started appearing people started mutating, I am one of those unlucky few who doesn't quite look human anymore and there are plenty of racist assholes that think I should be treated as nothing more then an animal...
I sigh pushing my dark pink hair away from my pink skin. My long black pointy horns making it impossible to make my hair look right.
I guess I'm kinda lucky tho... My appearence if often sexualised because of its resemblance to a succubus meaning I at least get some opportunities. There are many who end up living on the street, unable to find any kind of work due to there mutation.
I currently strip because sexwork is one of the only avenues I really had to go down being what I am!
"I hate it here!" I mutter to myself my yellow eyes filled with tears as I readjusted my dress.
Im not this kinda girl...
... I don't want this life...
I'm shy and awkward! Heck I'm still a fucking virgin!
My eyes grew watery as I thought about all the opportunities I'd have if I wasn't born a freak!
That's when I heard the door open slight, revealing a man I'd nether seen before.
His cheerful red eyes found mine.
"Guests aren't allowed in the back," I said whipping the tears from my glowing yellow eyes.
He brushed his hand though his bright red spikey hair, "why are you crying?" He walked towards me a reassuring smile on his handsome face revealing sharp shark teeth.
"Look if you're looking for a hooker this isn't the place. Don't pretend you want to help me, ok?" I said tears still falling gently down my cheeks but trying to hide it.
I suddenly noticed something hanging from his neck. A dog tag, dog tags are often worn by members of the Mafia in this city. His was diffrent then normal tho, it was solid gold showing that he is a high ranking member.
He's probably one of the sleeze bags who owns this place.
"If you really don't like this place why don't you work somewhere else," he said with a surpring innocent smile for a high-ranking mobster.
"It's not that easy," I gestured to my wings and spoke softly, hoping that this guy doesn't fire me or even worse have me killed for my attitude earlier.
His eyes grew sad, "What would you like to do? Surely you have dream right?"
"I'd love to be a singer," I fiddle with the hem of my dress.
"Perfect!" The man jumped up and down like an excited puppy, "You start tomorrow! I'll get your address from office and pick you up at 4pm!"
I couldn't even get a word in.
"I'm Kirishima by the way," He held out his hand to me.
I nervously took his hand and shook it, "im (y/n)."

Succubus (Mafia! My Hero Academia X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now