Prince Charming

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The room was warm. My yellow eyes flickeded open I found myself in a room I didn't recognise.
I tried to remember how I got here but I couldn't. I can't remember a damn thing.... I can't remember a thing?

Who am I?

I tried to sit up but suddenly a wave of pain hit me. My heart caught in my throat. My eyes started swelling with tears.

What happened to me?

Small week whimpers left my throat that soon transformed into loud hideous squeels left my throat.
A knock echoed thoughout the luxurious bedroom.
"C.. Come in.." I whispered.
A handsome duel haired man walked into the a tray of pancakes in hand. "How are you feeling beautiful," his lips curled in a soft shy smile. He couldn't help but think how frail and cute I looked with tears running down my face and that dumbfounded look in my eyes. He delicately put the tray down on the table. Everything he does is so nimble and elegant, it reminded me of as cat in a strange way.

"I don't remember anything!" I looked into his multicoloured eyes and felt odly calm. His long slender hand gently petted my hair.
"Nothing?" a glint of something strange shone being his eyes,"So you don't remember me? What we have?"
His hand moved to stroking up my jawline.
"What we have?" She gulped obviously a little nervous.
His lips quickly met my own and a warm tingling feeling engulfed my chest and my wings fluttered with excitement.
He rested his forehead on my own, "I'm Shoto and your my fiancé. "
Before I could speak another word his lips met mine again and he gently pushed me back down onto the bed his hands gently resting on my hips.
His kisses grew a little more hungry. My quirk activated on it own, my eyes lighting up feeding on his feelings as his hands caressed me sweetly.

Shotos plan was working.
Erasing your memory's.
Worming his way into your heart.
He didn't know why he needed you but he did.

Succubus (Mafia! My Hero Academia X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now