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I ran as fast as my small legs could carry me away from the angry women who chased me. Her breath stunk of alcohol and her eyes where filled with undeniable hatred, her teeth bared like a wild animal.

Blood dripped down the back of my head soaking me, siring blistering pain shot though my entire being. I couldn't fly my wings where covered in shards of glass.

Is she going to kill me?

I didn't understand why she hated me. I was young and innocent. 




"Mummy! please help me!" I screached until my lungs hurt as I ran towards my front door. It quickly  swammed open reveling farther my half asleep and confused farther. Suddenly I felt his warm loving arms around me . My mother stood behind us her eyes filled with sorrow and her body trembled, parilised with fear as she looked at the bloody mass in front of her.

"What the hell are freaks like that doing here! Mutants aren't welcome here you disgusting monsters!" She spat towards us.  

My farther calmly handed me off into my mothers trembling traumatized arms. 

"How can someone like you live in a freak show like that!" she snapped pointing towards my very normal average looking father with his oversize glasses and plad pajamas then towards me and my mother. 

My farther was silent as he grabbed the viscous women slamming her up against the wall with murderous intent, " if you come near me or my family again i will kill you!"

He pushed her to the ground before grabbing me and my mother and pushing us inside locking the door behind us before he began sobbing, wrapping his arms around us both trembling.

He pulled away for a moment looking at the blood that now coated me and my mother. I was weak my eyes rolled back into my head as my body grew more limp. My farther jumped from his spot besides us his eyes glossy as he ran for the first aid kit.  My mother held my face sobbing profusely, "Im sorry, i should have protected you. I promise you baby i will keep you safe! I wont let you get hurt ever again." Her eyes where swollen and red with tears. "I love you so much."

My eyesight faded, my ears where ringing, I thought I was going to die here. 

We couldn't go to the hospital most don't serve freaks unless they where wealthy enough to buy there way in.  

My mother quickly began packing my bags as my farther tended my wounds. My skin was cold despite the hot sticky blood that coated me. 

A loud knock echoed at our door and a large group of angry voices grew loader, the knocking transforming into kicking.

Succubus (Mafia! My Hero Academia X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now