New family

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The auroma of Pizza filled my nose making my wouth water. Izuku held me with every step I took being increasing more protective, it was incredibly adorable especially conspidering the fact that the imaginary baby wasnt even his. Despite his obvious mental inesses he  would be an incredibly caring husband and farther. My face flushed brightly at the thought.

I was careful to break free of his of his grasp before we entered the dinning room though not wanting Shoto to get mad. 

We sat at a large oak table it had about ten diffrent pizza boxes across it. Everyone was there, everyone except Katsuki.  I couldnt help but feel like he was avoiding me. I felt saddened by the thought. Shoto walked towards my seat a large plate filled with my favorite flavored pizza.  

He pulled his seat next to mine before rubbing his hand over my stomach lovingly.

Wait... does this idiot  actually think im pregnant? 

Doesnt he  realise it was a lie to save his life....

.... god this is so frustraing...

I almost choked on my first bite of pizza; the dim yet exreamly handsome hetrochormatic boys idoicy was starteling to say the least. 

He continued petting my stomach thoughout the meal, it was honestly an extreamly entertaing meal to say the least. The two sides of a war where sitting together laughing and joking over a slice of pizza and this was because of me.... It felt like a family.  Something i hadnt had in so long. It was welcoming and i couldnt help but smile and laugh with them.

Fear bubbled up in my mind though, the fear that theyd hate me when they discovered the truth.  I didnt want to ruin what we had here but i know this lie cant last forever...

"Is something wrong?" Shoto whispered into my ear, pulling me close and nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck.

"It's nothing," I whisper back a blush now buring my cheeks as he planted a gentle kiss on it.

The room seemed to go silent when he did that, the silence quickly broke as a knife flew towards Shoto's head, scraping against his temple befor hitting the wall behind him. 

Midoriyas rage was blistering, the unstoppable rage it his eyes made me shudder before he spoke. "We might be at a truse for now Shoto but i have my limits!" he hissed the venom in his tone shoking me. My sweet best friend seemed more like a monster and as i looked around i saw the truth of my 'family'  they where all monsters, every single one of them was ready to pounce and kill at any moment.

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