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I quickly grabbed the small child cradling her sweetly within my arms to try to stop the sobbing despite the fact that I too was holding back tears. I started humming the same song my mother used to sing to me whenever i was having a bad day.

The sound was calming, my heavy teary eyelids closed relaxing into the moment as the small mysterious child seemed to melt into my arms. 

I couldn't help but think about my farther... He made  it his mission to protect me. 

What would he think if  he saw me right now? all burned and broken.Weak afraid.

15 years earlier-

Mummy and I where alone in the house, dad works till late most nights.

My small pink 6 year old form lay sprawled across the carpet my wings stretched out as far as they could and my hot pink hair practically covered my entire face. The tv was playing the hectic sounds of my favorite show but i wasn't listening to that, I was listening to my mother.  I could hear the soft sound of my mothers singing from the other room and the smell of a delicious meal quickly filled my nostrils.

Mother tried her hardest to hide it. She always did. She desperately wanted to make everything seem normal but i knew it wasn't. We weren't normal.

Every time we dared to leave the house we had to stay covered up. We had to hide our faces, our horns, our wings. I didn't really understand why tho.

"Darling foods ready," Mothers head peaked around the corner her soft pink hair was pulled back into a bun the corners of her hair had turned a lighter shade from both stress and age however her skin showed no signs of either. 

Leaping from  my spot I ran towards the kitchen. 

Today's the day I ask her!

I smile giddily to myself as I walk run towards the kitchen. Towards the table i was not yet tall enough to see over, flapping my wings to lift myself off the ground then not so delicately drop myself onto my chair.  After nervously gulping down the delicious meal i decided now was as good a time as any.

"Mum i want to go to school!" I squealed out the words causing my mother to choke on the mouthful she was eating.

A look of pain shot though my mothers yellow irises as she looked at me, "Darling... we have talked about this. Where home schooling you." She spoke in a calm voice even though i heard her voice crack.

"But why mummy! I...I just.."

I was interrupted as my mother slammed her fists onto the table, "I said no and that's final!"

Tears began to fall down my chubby child cheeks; my voice a meek whisper, "I just...want friends mummy..."

I didn't realize why my mother was so against the idea of school, i didn't realize how cruel the world truly was  and by the time id figured it out it was already too late.

Our apartment complex had a residential playground. I often watched the other children play together, how I longed to be like them. I peaked from behind the curtains one child in particular caught my attention. The boy had a mass of purple hair and matching colored eye-rises accompanied by some exceeding dark under eye circles. 

He was my first crush and my family's undoing.

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